Hi just a quick and probably pointless question but, if I run out of tap safe, can I used bottled water?
The reason I am asking is I have upped my water changes in my fry tank to 2 a day as they get fed about 3-4 times a day, brine shrimp in the morning and at night. The fry colours seem to be coming in faster this way but I am going through a lot of tapsafe. I am down to the last little bit and need to do a water change tonight but wont be able to get anymore tapsafe until friday. Can I use the bottled water I have since there's no chemicals in it? I have 2 big bottles.
The reason I am asking is I have upped my water changes in my fry tank to 2 a day as they get fed about 3-4 times a day, brine shrimp in the morning and at night. The fry colours seem to be coming in faster this way but I am going through a lot of tapsafe. I am down to the last little bit and need to do a water change tonight but wont be able to get anymore tapsafe until friday. Can I use the bottled water I have since there's no chemicals in it? I have 2 big bottles.