Blue Tiger Orange Eye Shrimp!


Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2012
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Eek! I'm so excited! I've just ordered some of these beauty's and they should be here Tuesday! ( Call me sad but i cant help but get excited and to own some of these) I will upload some pictures when they are settled down in the tank :)
If they are the shrimp I am thinking of they are an amazing shrimp and congrats on the purchase. Looking forwards to seeing pictures.
they arrived all safe and well! i ordered 4 but the seller very kindly sent 2 extra just in case! they are lovely little guys and hopefully they will settle in well and start to multiply :)
Good luck on your entry for next month! Beautiful picture!
 . And very nice of the seller to supply an extra 2
 . If you can just check to see what pH, and gH they have their tanks at. With cherry shrimp it appears that certain pH etc affects their colour. Just something to keep in mind with all shrimp species I guess.
thats some good advice, i will see if i can find out, ive acually got some cherry shrimp in the same tank and some are real deep red whereas others are a lot less red.
The cherry shrimp on the right looks like it could be a Sunkist cherry, they are an orange cherry shrimp rather than red.
I've just had a look on google for that type of shrimp and it looks very similar, even the babies that I've got in my tank look like the sunkist shrimp
I do love this shrimp! However mine never seem to do all that well, only one that has thrived is my bamboo :/

How wonderful to have these breeding in your tank though - hey if they cross with the cherries you could also have purple ones :D
Look at this image I just found on the net....


Maybe you'll end up with something like that? :D
ive got a bamboo shrimp as well that lives with the cherry shrimp and blue tiger shrimp.
i done a bit of research before i got the blue tiger shrimp and it says that they wont interbreed with the cherrys. The blue tiger shrimp are Caridina cantonensis, and the red cherry shrimp are Neocaridina Heteropoda.
''You cannot house a Neocaridina with another Neocaridina. You also cannot house a Caridina with another Caridina. You can however house a Caridina with a Neocaridina.''
but i have got some of those shrimp you pictures above, they are called blue rili shrimp, another nice looking shrimp, ive also got green neon shrimp :) ive put a picture below:
These are fab!

Like I say, my bamboo shrimp thrives but my cherry shrimp out of the six I initially bought I only have two remaining?

I know they are very sensitive and you have to acclimatise them over a period of time which I did, whether its the fact I use RO and buffer with tropic Marin and ph buffer I don't know?? - having said that my bamboo has always been fine?
hmm im not sure, a few of my cherry shrimp died when i first started out with the shrimps but since then the others seem to have been fine and are now breeding, i had had them for about 4 months and had nothing and now all of a sudden they are multiplying
Oh ok, maybe ill give it a while - see how the remaining two go along with bamboo and maybe try again....

P.s I think you should make the shrimp your profile pic :D

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