So my female blue ram went missing a week ago for two days, then i noticed that the male and female were taking turns looking after something in the plants. Now 4 days later i just walked by the tank and i have babies out swimming in the open being picked up and spat out by the parents. I just turned the lights off and the male is guarding them in a tight ball on the substrate and chasing off anyone that comes near.
I have a 150 gallon with 9 discus, 40 cardinals, 3 corys, 2 long nose whiptails, 2 otto cats and one bristle nose.
Any chance of any of the fry surviving? i don't have a second tank (stupidly sold my 30 gal two weeks ago)
Any advice appreciated.
I have a 150 gallon with 9 discus, 40 cardinals, 3 corys, 2 long nose whiptails, 2 otto cats and one bristle nose.
Any chance of any of the fry surviving? i don't have a second tank (stupidly sold my 30 gal two weeks ago)
Any advice appreciated.