In my tank i did have 3 blue legged hermit and one red legged hermit. I have just got home from work and one of the blue hermits is now in the red hermits shell, and the blue hermits old shell is empty.
My question is do you think the blue hermit killed the red for its shell, or has the red hermit been pulled out and is now possibly gone into hiding in the live rock until it finds a new shell?.
I have 4 empty shells in there incase they decided they wanted to change home.
There are no signs of red shell around the tank, and surely if the hermits ate the red they would leave the hard body piecesn and eat the meat?
My question is do you think the blue hermit killed the red for its shell, or has the red hermit been pulled out and is now possibly gone into hiding in the live rock until it finds a new shell?.
I have 4 empty shells in there incase they decided they wanted to change home.
There are no signs of red shell around the tank, and surely if the hermits ate the red they would leave the hard body piecesn and eat the meat?