big puddle in my yard filled with cat fish


Jun 14, 2003
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I live in Louisiana and it has been raining quite a bit lately, i have a large puddle next to my driveway that has adleast 50 little about 1 to 2 inch black cat fish in it. I do not have a pond, but dont want to let them die as there is no escape from the puddle. What can i do with them until i can locate someone that has a pond to put them in? Please help before the water drys up.
i know it sounds crazy that they are there, but it is beside my driveway which is almost 900 foot long into the woods. I have culverts in my driveway in case we flood, and i guess some how with all of the rain we have been having, they washed here from one of my neighbors surrounding ponds. I have been able to catch a few of them and have been trying to get my neighbors involved since they may have orriginally come from their ponds. The puddle is about 3 foot deep and about 4 foot round, so it is rather large, but it is still drying up. Any suggestions on how to catch them or take care of them until i find them a home?
Whatever you do don't try and catch them by hand. They have pectoral and dorsal spines to them that can inflict a nasty wound, even cause you blood poisioning if it infects your bloodstream. Use a net. The net can be made from a pair of stockings/tights tied around a wire coat hanger. Take some of the water from the puddle and place them in a bucket for now and you can top it up with some tap water. Catfish can survive in puddles that are barely covered with water, but you don't want to test that theory. So unless you want to start up a species tank that's your immediate solution

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