betta poops grey but is still active, colorful, and eating?!


New Member
Jul 16, 2017
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Hello everyone!
My betta started to poop grey a maybe two weeks ago? and my betta jumped out of my tank one week ago. He was out for a few hours most likely and is now recovering and regrowing well... however a few days after he jumped he had a normal poo... like exactly the same color as his food! I thought his grey poop was over but the next day a grey poo showed up again?! side note: my betta has carbon debrie from his filter that are on the bottom of the tank (i can see them bcs I keep a bare bottom tank! and he also poops those out so his poo is usually black spotted .... I thought the black spots in his poo were internal parasites so a month ago I treated for that but they still stayed and its been like that ever scince... they dont effect him at all.. he just poops them right out and goes back to being his active self!). So I am wondering wether I should treat and how to bcs my betta is active and flaring and colorfull and eating and pooping and not bloated (I think he inst bloated or too skinny) but he has grey poo?! How should I help my baby poo normally?!
There has also been grey algea in the tank for about the same amount of time he has had grey poo so idk if that is related to the problem?! I have just been scrubbing it off when I do a water change! also my betta is in a 3 gal filtered and heated tank, and I do a 50% water change twice a week and one 80% water change a week and one 100% water change a month
I am just worried that becuase his poo is grey, that he isnt absorbing nutrients, all I know is that his poop was normal one time a week ago a few days after he jumped out of his tank but then it went back to being grey?
I've never heard of this happening before, but it's good that he's acting happy and normal. Hopefully someone with more experience in bettas will come along soon! Until then, best of luck to you and your little bud!!!
I've never heard of this happening before, but it's good that he's acting happy and normal. Hopefully someone with more experience in bettas will come along soon! Until then, best of luck to you and your little bud!!!
now hes just coming up to surface for oxygen and dipping down , he seems to have a damaged fin

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