Best food for Malaysian trumpet snails?

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Jul 16, 2017
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Several weeks ago i purchased 14 MTS to start a colony for when i get a dwarf puffer in a few months. I researched about them and learned they eat just about anything of nutrition. i started off by feeding them 4 small sinking pellets every 3 days. i never have seen my MTS eat them or show interest in them, and they eventually got mold on them and started to rot. I want to quicken their growth and population numbers by feeding them food that they will all take to (i know what im asking for hahaha) so i blanched a small piece of zucchini and pushed it halfway into the ground. a week later it went untouched and was rotting. I cannot tell if the MTS are growing or breeding, though i do see large size differences in some of them. In the past 2 days, i have seen the start of planaria on my tank's glass. I would like to know what food will MTS eat the most to grow the population and to reduce the mold/rot. I want to know how to keep the MTS fed while also maintaining near perfect water quality for preparation of an eventual dwarf puffer. sorry that this is long and thank you for your time!

Also i would like inference on if a dwarf puffer would hunt the planaria and eat them as goldfish do?
Honestly, I would not worry about trying to feed the trumpet snails.

They eat just about anything, so normal fish food thats leftover after feeding your fish, a normal pinch amount, do not add 'extra' just for the snails, they will be absolutely fine.

But if you just want to feed snails in the absence of any other livestock int he tank, then just one single small algae wafer or a small amount of shrimp food or such like, just feed once or maybe twice per week, max. remembering to remove any uneaten foods after 24 hours.

I find my trumpet snails loves algae wafers, shrimp pellets and mulberry or amaranth leaves will bring them out in their hundreds!! Much to my annoyance more than anything else as these food are actually meant for the shrimps......

As for dwarf puffer eating planeria, not sure actually, they may do but not guaranteed tbh.

Planeria is usually a sure sign of way overfeeding the tank, so i'd stop overfeeding as this is not good for water quaility and as you've found for planeria as well as other small unsightly pests such as copepods etc.

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