Beamswork Led200

Jan 6, 2013
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Hi all,
I'm thinking of buying the BeamsWork LED200 for my 5 gallon tank and was wondering if any of you have any experience with it? 
Here's the information provided on the auction:
Improve your aquarium experience with this energy efficient LED light and its sleek black finish 
Fits aquarium: 30cm - 45cm long 
Unit Size (cm): 26.5 x 12.5 x 2.3 
High quality LED light fixture. 
Ideal for use in the freshwater aquarium or planted aquarium.
24/7 Cool operation 
Energy saving 
Easy to setup 

33x HQ .06W LED (30 x 10000K daylight, 3 x 460nm Actinic) 
200 Lumen 
Total power 5W 
Super slim housing in black finish. 
2 mode ON ( Full mode / Lunar mode ) / OFF power switch 
Full Splash guard 
Expendable mounting bracket 30cm - 45cm. 
AC110-240V 50-60Hz AC adapter. 
CE certified. 



I would like to grow low-medium light plants. Would this be suitable?
Thanks for any and all help :)
From the specs you posted, I would say this is not going to grow very good plants.  10k for the color temp does not seem like a very good light growing spectrum.  Plants are generally more happy in the 5-8k temperature.  My LED bulbs on my DIY are .6watt, probably the identical bulbs and I run 56 of them on my 5g tank and my plants grow pretty well, but the color temp is right around 5500-6000.  I think marine utilizes that 10k temperature more, but oddly this is marketed as freshwater.   I could be totally off on this as there are many ins and outs to LED lighting, and complexities I am still trying to figure out, but I would check around for reviews if anything!
ech0o said:
From the specs you posted, I would say this is not going to grow very good plants.  10k for the color temp does not seem like a very good light growing spectrum.  Plants are generally more happy in the 5-8k temperature.  My LED bulbs on my DIY are .6watt, probably the identical bulbs and I run 56 of them on my 5g tank and my plants grow pretty well, but the color temp is right around 5500-6000.  I think marine utilizes that 10k temperature more, but oddly this is marketed as freshwater.   I could be totally off on this as there are many ins and outs to LED lighting, and complexities I am still trying to figure out, but I would check around for reviews if anything!
Hmm, I was wanting LED's because of the less energy consumption. Would it be better if I was to get a T5 or T8 lighting unit? I've found these to be more expensive but if they'll be better then I'll be get them instead of the LED's. 
Are these sort of unit's better for just illuminating tanks instead of growing things?
I had looked for reviews before posting this but the only one I found was on a marine forum. That's why I posted this, to try and see if I could get more reviews. :)
Not nessecarily, say for example the Finnex FugeRay and RayII, they run their white lights at 7k temp, and there is even a FugeRay with switchable red LEDs to promote photosynthesis.  (more for plant growth)
Even when dealing with T5 and T8 units, when purchasing bulbs you have to buy specific color temps and look into the actual PAR levels of the bulbs to find bulbs that will actually grow plants, the same is said for LED lights.  I personally like the shimmer look you get with LED over the look of the fluorescent lighting.  Anyways no offense but that first unit you listed, even though running at 1W higher, is going to output far less light, and will far undershoot the Finnex in ability to grow plants.  There may even be a better one, but Finnex is probably the best for the price, you only go up from there and there is a real lack of products designed for the Freshwater aquarium.
Yeah, the Finnex does look better. The only thing is, is that a quick search on an auction site for NZ shows no results :/ And I can't buy from amazon because amazon is only for books here :/ . Sucks being in New Zealand.
If you can find any better LED units on this link then please bring them to my attention.
Link for LED units on New Zealand auction site here
Sorry to be of nuisance but when you come back online, could you please tell me if the BeamsWork would be worth buying? Because the auction is closing tonight and I don't want to miss it.
i personally wouldn't buy it, im digging for something better now!

are you able to order from au websites, or au sellers on ebay?
Some post to NZ and some don't. It's different for everyone. The exchange rate and the shipping tends to make it rather expensive though
Mhmm, it's nice but it wouldn't fit my tank (my tank is 36cm long).
What sort of things should I be looking for if I'm going to get other LED units?
You are looking for something with decent wattage per bulb, and a color temp under 8000k.
Here is another good one
that one looks like the same build case as the Beamswork, only with bulbs in the color range you are looking for to grow a bit better.

i would honestly go with one of those other ones though, that brand uses LED lights with good luminous intensity and decent color temperature.
Judging by this video, the BeamsWork looks quite good and bright.
I know you're saying not to, but I think I might go ahead and buy it. Just because I don't really want to go through the hassle of shipping and the exchange rates. I know I'll probably only be able to grow low light plants, but, if needed I suppose I could supplement the BeamsWork with a desk lamp.
that isn't what you are getting, that is the 12 LED fixture, with 12 high watt/high output LED lights.   the one you showed me are low wattage LED's, but they should do the work for a low light situation if that's what you really wan't to do, it would certainly be easier for you i'm sure!  
at least you understand a bit more about the color temperatures and what to look for, in flourescent T5 and T8 bulbs as well, some are better for growing then others!  let me know how that thing works out, those are very inexpensive here in the U.S.A. and I am interested to see if you like it as we are going to be starting up a few more nano aquariums soon.
Really? That's not the same?
Anyway, thank you for your help. I'm going to order it soon. I'll let you know what I think about it :)
Thanks again

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