So, made previous posts about this horrible stuff, had lots of good advice. I have alot of it and am now getting long black stringy algae as well. Mainly slow growing plants affected but its spreading.Increased my co2, installed an in line diffuser. Have a really fine mist of co2 now going across the tank. Redirected circulation to ensure good flow around all plants. Now, do I need to increase ferts in line with the increase in co2? Should I be thinking of removing the badly affected plants? Mainly anubias, cost me quite alot to be honest, and were very nice, as are the new leaves forming. Thinking of blitzing the tank with eSHa algae treatment, but tbh I am worried about any negative impact from the dead algae. Any advice, thoughts, input would really be appreciated as its making my lovely tank luck ugly! The discus are threatening to move out!!