my tank is very tall and im finding syphoning the sand at the bottom more trobule than just jugging out the water and leaving the bits on the sand, its 28 inches to the bottom and when water level drops i loose suction, the tank itself is tall but because its on worktop its 6ft to the top of it, is there a battery syphon or some other device (that works) that can help me, i currently jug water to and from the sink, water changes take me about 2hrs and thats quicker than fighting with the syphon and buckets
Why do people seem to have problems with siphons? 28" is NOT too high for a siphon to function properly; The limit depends upon the density of the fluid and the atmospheric pressure and works out to be approximately 30 feet for water at sea-level. The rate that water will siphon from the tank depends upon the difference in height between the height of the input and the height of the output and the diameter of the tube you use. The following, crude, picture should help;
| +========================+
top of tank | I | I |
| I | I |
| I (hose) | I | (tank)
| I +===========+
worktop level |====I=================================
| I
| I
| | I |
| | | (Bucket)
| +====+
floor level +-------------------------------------------------------------
As long as the end of the hose pointing at the bucket is lower than the end of the hose in the tank, and the end of the hose in the tank remains under water, the siphon WILL continue.