🏆 TOTY CaptainBarnicles - 2024 Tank of the Year Winner


Plant Man
Contest Moderator
5x Tank of the Month 🏆
Nov 18, 2021
Reaction score
37.2431° N, 115.7930° W
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
2024 Tank of the Year Tournament

The 12 past winners of Tank of the Month contests for 2024 were entered in the 2024 Tank of the Year Tournament. Our members voted in a poll to choose which tank was the best of the best for 2024.
And the winner is.......
Here is the winning tank:

I wish I had another tank to showcase but as a recovering MTS sufferer I have but only one.

This is my 240l Fluval Roma, home to Boesemani rainbows, Cherry Barbs, a Pelvicachromis Pulcher pair, a few shy Amano shrimps and a bunch of ramshorn snails.

I seem to do alright with Cryptocoryne so I've stuffed this tank full with different varieties. My favourite is the Balansae growing back and centre, it has taken a while to get going since I first planted it but seems to be taking off now. I've tried many different plants and none do as well as the crypts. I dot a few root tabs around and use TNC lite fertiliser once a week.

Lighting used is the generic lamp that came with the set up, if I'm not mistaken it's from the Aquasky range.

The canister filter I use is also from the Fluval range and came with the tank as well, it works really well and is simple to clean.

Hardscape includes dragon stone, mopani wood and limpopo black sand.

Maintenance is done weekly without fail, a scrub of the glass with my magnet cleaner and a 50% water change which I do with a siphon out the window onto the lawn and a pond pump in a bucket in the kitchen sink to return clean water to the tank. I pluck out the dead and damaged leaves as and when I see them.

The fish are fed as much variety as I can manage including live or frozen bugs and worms, spirulina flakes, bug bites, spinach and peas.

This is a very low maintenance tank and mostly looks after itself, it's been up and running 2-3 years? I forget. My little boy absolutely loves sitting in front of it with me and has taken a keen interest which I'm thrilled about. Hopefully he will find a love for fishkeeping himself and instill it into his own children one day...or at the very least do the water changes for me on this tank! 🧐
That is a fantastic tank in a contest of fantastic set ups. Congratulations.

It was great to see them all.
Congrats to @CaptainBarnicles for winning TOTY with your perfectly beautiful 240l Fluval Roma. Those crypts look amazing.

Thanks to every one of our members that participated in our TOTY contest. If you want to see the now closed poll featuring the 12 TOTY entries, CLICK HERE.
Prizes in the form of Amazon gift certificates will be awarded as follows:
First place: CaptainBarnicles - $100
Second place: Magnum Man - $50
Third place: MikeyBoy123 - $25​
It was very difficult to choose as all 12 tanks were top notch as each tank has won a Tank of the Month contest during 2024. I voted for your tank as it had a very realistic natural look to it. Congrats on being crowned Tank of the Year. Well deserved win.
Congrats!! Love all of the crypts!
Congratulations! Please come to my house and aquascape my tanks.

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