Barney And Lyn's 5Ft Reef Tank (150G(Uk) System)

Thanks guys and girls. Will look a lot better once the algae clears up and I scape it a bit better.

Yeah Trod, that is a lyre tail anthias (my fav fish at the moment). I have had her for awhile now (had her in the old 30g tank). She was a little shy when I first moved her into the big tank because she had a swim bladder infection and the yellow tailed damsels harassed her a lot. She has fully recovered now though and is starting to come back out a lot more now too.

I'am thinking of getting two more now I have a bigger tank.

The Chromis do look amazing as well, they are constantly in a shoal and always swim up to the glass whenever you go near the tank.
Yeah will be getting one, not sure it will be soon though. I haven't seen much pod life at all in this tank (could be because there is more rock for it to hide in) so going to get a few cultures of pods going and wait for the tank to settle down again before I get one.

Once I have put a month or twos worth of pods in there then I will start looking around for one the problem is that the ones at my LFS always look half starved and while I would like to try and save one I also don't want to encourage them to get in more fish that they are unable to look after properly.
Fair enough.
Silly question, but are the pods visible?
Im guessing they are.
Also how much are the mandarins at your LFS?
A lot of the pods are about 5-10mm big so you can see them. They are about £25 at my LFS but they are all tiny and underfed.
I thought they'd be in the 100s mark.
Why do people culture them in different containers etc.
Couldnt you just do it in the tank?

nice video barney. those chromis deffinatly make a nice mid water shoal, adds asome colour and movement. Id suggest little and often feeding regime for those guys. They have been known to pick each other off if food becomes scarse
Yeah they do eat a LOT. I used to feed twice a day (occasionally 3 times) but have gone to feeding 3 times a day (mix of frozen and flake).

With regards to the pods, you can just put them right into the tank but they are likely to get eaten pretty quickly. If you culture them outside the tank they have no competition and no predators so you can culture large numbers of them.

Unfortunately mandarins are pretty cheap, if they cost more then maybe they wouldn't be kept in stock so much and we wouldn't have so many dying in tanks of people that don't understand their requirements :(
Fair enough.
Not sure if I would need to culture.
Yeah I know.
I think there should be more requirments you need by law,
to own certain fish.
But thats the way of life I guess.

See what you mean about the chromis - look great :good: but benny and those cute little toadstools stole the show for me :nod:

Seffie x

Barney, I have just caught up with your thread. The pics are superb! :D I love the xenia and the toadstool forest :lol: It looks like it's coing on really well :D

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