Back Into The Salty Side


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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Normally am known for my insanely planted tanks or something but I do love a nice salt tank.
I've started a nano reef I plan to take with me to my new house. Not sure where it's gonna sit but that's for later. For now I wanted to get things started as it does take awhile for things to die and cause a cycle and for the cycle to end and so on.
Anyway a few pics for now. Nothing amazing.

Using life rock with a mix of live sand and live rock, Best way to get cycling. Am also using Sability but normally I don't used these bottles of magic, HOWEVER it was cheap so I thought I might as well add it as the cycle carrys on.



Last photo is where I am now, Just leaving it to run no plans for fish/CUC/Anything at the moment sadly :V
Mamashack said:
Looking good! How big is it, techen?
Just a 30 litre at the moment, I will no doubt go larger when I move into my house at somepoint.
Looking at your signature, it's not long til moving day!
Hope all goes smoothly with that and your tank cycles well.
Mamashack said:
Looking at your signature, it's not long til moving day!
Hope all goes smoothly with that and your tank cycles well.
The cool thing with marine cycles is you stuff live rock in and let it go nuts. Am just gonna bottle up the water thats in the tank when I move and put it back in. Should be fine.
Reef and marine stuff is totally unknown to me so have no idea how it all works as it's not something I'm into tho I have heard the term live rock before.
Mamashack said:
Reef and marine stuff is totally unknown to me so have no idea how it all works as it's not something I'm into tho I have heard the term live rock before.
You must be interested if you came to this thread :p
Such epic live rock I get from my LFS, Was out of water for most likely 30 minutes, done my checks and..

PH 8.3
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate is hard to tell, It's quite the pink colour, Possible 5-10 PPM
Be keeping an eye on this, very very tempted to start my first marine tank soon!
Did you try looking thro the side of the pot and then dividing the result by 10, techen? That's what I have to do normally as I can't always tell the difference between the colours at that low a level. Sometimes I have to dilute it too to get a more accurate reading. At this stage in your cycle tho I guess it doesn't need to be that accurate!
So you didn't have to add any ammonia to the tank right? The live rock does that for you?
stanleo said:
So you didn't have to add any ammonia to the tank right? The live rock does that for you?
Live rock dies off, makes ammonia and starts the cycle yes.
Haven't done a update forever but here goes.
My firefish died, No idea why but they are insanely hard to keep I guess.

Full tank shot, Been running for ages. All the alge burned itself out and my hermits have cleared up the rest.
 So I went and bought some corals, Softies of course the easier type and yea here.


None of the corals look that great and my finger coral does not look happy? Or maybe thats what its ment to do I have no idea...
Looks great to me! Im hoping to do a saltwater tank as well, will be a few months or more though :(
Finger corals and other leathers can sulk for as much as a week or so after being disturbed. Once it settles in, the "happy" appearance is usually more or less the same shape, but a bit more extended and with the tiny fluffy polyps out.

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