Attack Of The Red Eye Tetra (lemon Tetra/lamp Tetra)


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
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Yesterday i bourght 2 new red eye tetras and introduced them to my tank. This morning they have attacked my small male guppy, ripping its tails off and unfortunately killing it after my efforts to stop them.
I have another male guppy with a large red tail that I have separated off from the rest for the fish, but i am not sure whether to let it back out and risk it being snapped at or to give the red eyed tetras back to the shop, or to get more red eyed tetras to stop them being interested in other fish.
I really need some advice, I really stuck as to what to do. Thank you.
To hlep you with that question, i need to know some more information. What size is your tank, what types of fish do you currently have and how many of each?

I have a 60 litre tank with:
2 red eye tetras
2 zebra danios
2 leopard danios
2 white cloud mountain minnows
5 guppies
8 tetra neons
1 sucker mouth cat fish
The reason they are attacking is because the tank is overstocked, plus danio need larger tanks as they are active fish, would like to look at your test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
The reason they are attacking is because the tank is overstocked, plus danio need larger tanks as they are active fish, would like to look at your test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Errrrrrrmmmmm well. i dont actulally have a water tester i get the people at my local fish stocker to check the water levels. And come to think of it that was quite a while ago :blush: :unsure:
Well i would get your water tested fast, as with it being overstocked a doubt the water quality will be good.
Well i would get your water tested fast, as with it being overstocked a doubt the water quality will be good.
Ok do you recomend I get my own water tester or go to the shop and face embarassment?!
Always best to have your own test kits, liquid ones are the best, you can buy one with them all in, i will get you a link, plus is it a juwel tank.
I would re-home the tetras. Besides beign over stocked, you have many schooling fish that should be kept in bigger groups (all the tetras and the danios). Exactly what do you mean by a sucker mouth cat fish? I know that isn't a standard common name. Do you mean a common pleco?
Grow big and are aggressive, i would take it back to the lfs with the two tetra's.
Grow big and are aggressive, i would take it back to the lfs with the two tetra's.

the pelo is actually the calmest of the lot at the moment anyway but when it gets too big the shop said they would take it back

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