Hi all - I did a search, but I didn't find anything about the compatibility of these fish specifically.
Anyone have experience keeping any apistos (most interested in borelli or hongsloi, but I'm open) with sparkling gourami? Or advice against this? They seem to both be consistently described as peaceful and good community members, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're peaceful with each other.
Other tank mates (55 gallon, fairly heavily planted with caves/hides):
I do not have either the apistos or the gourami yet. I kind of have my heart set on the sparkling gourami, so I'm open to other suggestions of a pair/trio of anything that would work in my setup. I just want a pop of bright color somewhere with a nice temperament and personality. I think my stocking is about right as long as I don't go overboard with the number of sparkling. There are also some random pond snails, but they will become food for my dwarf puffer (separate tank) eventually. I'm overfiltered as well with a lot of fast growing stem plants.
Add - I would do honey gourami as well if those would fare better with apistos, but research has indicated that the sparkling are more even-tempered.
Anyone have experience keeping any apistos (most interested in borelli or hongsloi, but I'm open) with sparkling gourami? Or advice against this? They seem to both be consistently described as peaceful and good community members, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're peaceful with each other.
Other tank mates (55 gallon, fairly heavily planted with caves/hides):
- 10 harlequin rasboras
- 10 neon tetras
- 10 cory paleatus
I do not have either the apistos or the gourami yet. I kind of have my heart set on the sparkling gourami, so I'm open to other suggestions of a pair/trio of anything that would work in my setup. I just want a pop of bright color somewhere with a nice temperament and personality. I think my stocking is about right as long as I don't go overboard with the number of sparkling. There are also some random pond snails, but they will become food for my dwarf puffer (separate tank) eventually. I'm overfiltered as well with a lot of fast growing stem plants.
Add - I would do honey gourami as well if those would fare better with apistos, but research has indicated that the sparkling are more even-tempered.