Anyone With A Dog Have Any Insight On This?

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2014
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So I have an older dog who developed a hot spot near the back inside of his thigh. I kept it dry and clean, and it looked after about a week to be starting to heal.

Fast forward about a week and a half, I kind of didn't think much of it, as it looked to be healing...until I catch him chewing it, and was horrified to realize that it is now three times the size it was before, and is starting to smell weird. At this point I feel awful, and take him to the vet.

The vet ends up having to surgically excise some tissue, and since there wasn't a lot of extra skin to close it up, they took the nearby skin left over from his neuter, and closed it up that way. At this point I feel terrible.

It has been 3 days now, and today I was shampooing the carpet from the few spots of blood he left when he first came home, from his stitches oozing. He went and laid on the wet carpet and left a small blood spot I check his sutures and they look fine, but I can see a small spot that has a bit of fresh blood on it.

If this continues another day or two I am going to call the vet, but I am super paranoid now at this point since I already feel like the worst pet owner...does anyone have experience with pets with stitches and a little bleeding that could put my mind at ease for the mean time?
maybe he should wear a dog funnel until it heals  
He has a the dreaded cone of shame. The first night he managed to get it off, im assuming by shaking his head and what not and I'm assuming biting the inside of his mouth whilst doing so because the next morning there was faintly blood tinged drool inside the cone that was no longer on the dog.
Check the sutures to make sure he is not chewing or licking them open. Much as he hates it, the e-collar (cone) is going to be the best thing for him. You can also try putting a long t-shirt on him to make it harder for him to get at it. Watch for any discharge that is not clear or if it starts to smell as those will be signs of an infection. A few drops of fresh blood the first few days isn't unusual but if it does continue or if the sutures are opening up definitely take him back in. Hopefully the vet also has some antibiotics and a pain/anti-inflammatory medication on board. Mostly,just keep a watchful eye on him and stop him every time you see him chewing at it. It's gonna be itchy as it heals over the next few weeks so I'm sure he's gonna try! Good luck and I hope all goes well!
Thanks guys. It seems to be bleeding less today. He's on antibiotics and pain meds already, he seems to be walking less awkwardly today as well so I think he may be on the road to healing up.

Ill check his sutures in a bit, on a side note that's awkward in itself, he is a big dog, so I have to lay on the floor under him like a mechanic looking under a car.

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