Angelfish Missing Fins Or Parts Of Fins And Tail


New Member
May 27, 2009
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I already posted a thread here this morning saying my new angelfish was staying in the top rear corner by the filter and and not eating. I thought it could be from stress of the mail-order trip and new home and those ideas were re-affirmed by members of the community here.

However this evening I went to feed him and I see the pointed top of the Dorsal fin is missing, and so is the elongated pelvic fin as well as most of his tail. Now I'm seriously worried.

The only other fish in the tank are 6 Celestial Pearl Danios. Would they have it in them to do that to the angel?

I haven't had either of them 36 hours yet, and they were added to the take around the same time.

Stats are 0,0,5; temp: 80F; PH 7
Those danios are generally considered peaceful, but anything is possible. A picture of the angel would help, but if the damage seems to be mostly to the trailing fins or edges of those fins some nipping has to be assumed.
I'm going to have to borrow a friend's camera to get a good picture (all I have is my phone) so I'll post back with the picture tomorrow.

I guess if the danios nipping is what I'm looking at, is there anything I can do to slow them down? Would stressed or hungry fish be more likely to nip?

Also could he have come from the supplier with fin rot?

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