I've been awol from the site for a while, so I thought I'd give an update on my tank.
I've had a lot of fish die, which is through no fault of my own, I stupidly cleaned all my filter media (in tank water) at the same time, then read that I should only do one set at a time.
So I've been doing a few water changes lately to try and sort things out, sadly lost my 5yr old bristle nosed plec today which im kinda peeved about. Poor thing
We bought a couple of khuli loaches today, and are getting more in a few weeks, my catfish are all doing well, although I lost 2 gourami's, and only have 1 zebra danio, and 1 cherry barb left.
Trying to decide what fish to get next, dont know if I want to get another plec.. I like them, but the one I had was like a toxic waste bin, just a trail of yukkiness where ever it went lol
Ideas on fish to add?
Also I hate the way my plants are taking over one side, im tempted to take it out and start again.
Recomendations please