American food


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 2, 2020
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It’s sad to admit but I often watch strange things on YouTube and I’m hooked on people cooking and eating ... don’t know why but it’s too late to stop and I always look at these Gumbo videos and stuff and think I want to eat that but I don’t want some watered down British version I want a propa Bible Belt version with them Crawdads what ever they are , so does anybody know any good food to try n cook
I have heard there are places that have so many books on things to cook that they are actually selling them. I have also heard that there are a lot of sites online with recipes one can view for free. All you need is a device to which enables you to surf the net. :p

But if you are a dedicated foodie you might pick up Julia Child's Mastering the art of French Cooking. Howver, before you do so you might want to watch the 2009 film "Jules and Julia." Not only will you get to "meet" Julia Childs but is is a fun movie and you will enjoy it.
It’s sad to admit but I often watch strange things on YouTube and I’m hooked on people cooking and eating ... don’t know why but it’s too late to stop and I always look at these Gumbo videos and stuff and think I want to eat that but I don’t want some watered down British version I want a propa Bible Belt version with them Crawdads what ever they are , so does anybody know any good food to try n cook
Too bad you can't come visit me some time...I make a chicken/sausage gumbo that will knock your socks off...but no crayfish for me, those things are nasty...which most people around me would beg to differ with, including my wife...crayfish boils are hugely popular where I live (when in season)
Too bad you can't come visit me some time...I make a chicken/sausage gumbo that will knock your socks off...but no crayfish for me, those things are nasty...which most people around me would beg to differ with, including my wife...crayfish boils are hugely popular where I live (when in season)
I would visit for a week and leave sounding like George Bush , I know I’d buy straight into the culture and stuff I literally sit and watch a YouTube channel called Kentucky ballistics.. dunno why but I just know I’d be his friend ahahah
I know if we ever make the trip it’s going to be Disney land and I’m gonna have to save for 3 years to go see Micky mouse , Owel at least I can build a lightsaber while I’m there ahahaha but I’d love to try a real home recipe of one of those gumbo things
Maine lobsters are the best...especially hard shell lobsters. I recently bought 3 of them when they had a sale at $9.99 a pound. Serve with drawn butter and corn on the cob....yum yum!
I don’t really get good food tbf my partner comes home all excited when the turkey dinosaurs are two for one ... so I get them on Thursday as well as Saturday ahaha
It’s sad to admit but I often watch strange things on YouTube and I’m hooked on people cooking and eating ... don’t know why but it’s too late to stop and I always look at these Gumbo videos and stuff and think I want to eat that but I don’t want some watered down British version I want a propa Bible Belt version with them Crawdads what ever they are , so does anybody know any good food to try n cook
Gumbo is bussin (aka really good, for any of you old folks ;)), wish you could try it. I don’t personally care for crawdads but to each his own.

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