Hello there! I’m studying an animal care diploma and my current module is fish. I’ve always liked fish, but cannot even begin to explain the amount I have learnt and the appreciation I have gained for these amazing creatures – and I’ve barely even scooped the surface water in the ocean of fishy knowledge!
I’m now onto my last essay of the unit, for which I have been given a scenario. I have been supplied with (an imaginary) tank that is 120cm x 50cm x 50cm. This is 66 UK gallons and 79 in US gallons. I have to make the aquarium ‘as visually interesting as possible’ while providing a suitable home for the fish, and choose several species to live within it (as well as explaining how to care for them, all equipment required, maintenance, etc.).
According to the AqAdvisor tool, my stocking list below fills the tank to 70% and the recommended water change schedule is 22% per week. I am happy with these numbers and would like to understock to 1) allow the fish to plenty of room, 2) have some room for fry once they are old enough to join the tank (note I will be writing about the need for a breeding tank too!).
However, I don’t want to completely rely on the tool, and would like some advice please.
Any suggestions and advice would be much appreciated
Thank you for your help!
I’m now onto my last essay of the unit, for which I have been given a scenario. I have been supplied with (an imaginary) tank that is 120cm x 50cm x 50cm. This is 66 UK gallons and 79 in US gallons. I have to make the aquarium ‘as visually interesting as possible’ while providing a suitable home for the fish, and choose several species to live within it (as well as explaining how to care for them, all equipment required, maintenance, etc.).
According to the AqAdvisor tool, my stocking list below fills the tank to 70% and the recommended water change schedule is 22% per week. I am happy with these numbers and would like to understock to 1) allow the fish to plenty of room, 2) have some room for fry once they are old enough to join the tank (note I will be writing about the need for a breeding tank too!).
However, I don’t want to completely rely on the tool, and would like some advice please.
- Do you think my stocking list is suitable?
- Have I got an appropriate amount of each fish to keep them happy?
- Have they got enough room?
- Can the two types of cory cats live in harmony?
- Are there any other fish you would rather choose?
- 5 common hatchets (is there are a male to female ratio for these guys?)
- 4 mollies (not sailfin. 1 male, 3 females for the 1:3 ratio)
- 16 guppies (4 males, 12 females for the 1:3 ratio)
- 6 peppered cory cats (4 males, 2 females for the 2:1 ratio)
- 2 bearded cory cats (1 male, 1 female)
Any suggestions and advice would be much appreciated