Adfs With Female Bettas?

The best place to ask about adfs is in the invertebrate, amphibian etc section. There is a load of info on them in there.
Thanks. I tried askin there but got not even one response so I came to ask if they can live together and then people here knew. I hope no one minds I'm asking more questions here I'm just desperate to know what I'm doing.

So the long shallow is best??
Well, I understand that, better to get some answers than none...

Yes, long and shallow is preferred, they can swim... but they're not fish. (Obviously)
Maybe a branch running up to the surface or a launchpad if they seem to struggle, (mine never use it though and they're about 28 cm from the surface)
But they usually get their oxygen from the water and so only do it occasionally.
I can definitely get a branch. I'm so out of my depth I feel - i've only had fish, dogs, cats and a snake before. Other than frozen bloodworms, what do I feed them?

Here's a site that can give you some more info perhaps.
You do/did have a heater in the aquarium didn't you btw?
The room I keep it in is very hot. It keeps about 80 and the tanks average 70ish so I figured that was fine. Is it? Does it need warmer??
I know you don't like me but I'll give advice anyway. I have african dwarf frogs with both females and males no problem. They love to hide so places like caves and lots of plants are good. They cannot swim very well so the water level must not really be above 12"

Feed live food plus frog pellets. Place the food in the same spot at the corner front of your tank each time and they'll hang out there a lot giving you more of a chance to see them. If you bettas ever need treatment you can't use meds with the frogs.
?? I have no reason not to like you....? Thanks for the help!!
Yes long and shallow is best, ideally as said under 12" they are social so get a few, they love coconut caves, moss balls cut open *there hollow inside ;)* branches and broad leaved plants near the surface are a good idea too :) there lovely little things, I want some but only even seen them once round here
Should I get another to join them since they're so social?? It's a 2.5 gallon they're joining
Owww, that's too cold probably why the fell ill :/ they need a tropical tank temperature, the same you have for the betta's, at least above 75 (usually do this in Celsius)
They do like groups (I'm still building my tank so I'm taking things slowly so it can adjust and I only have 2 atm)
Also don't forget to add water-treatment to the tap water to make it safe

2.5gal is the absolute lower limit for 2 frogs alone
If you want to add more frogs (or fish), you're definitely going to need a bigger tank, with a good fitting lid.

@lilfishie, didn't realise moss balls are hollow, might just get one then and cut it in half ;)
You just saved me a couple of quid :)
Meant the girls have a 10 but if they get their own, they get a 2.5 gallon. Using Prime - is that okay?? I'll get a heater ASAP
Owww, that's too cold probably why the fell ill :/ they need a tropical tank temperature, the same you have for the betta's, at least above 75 (usually do this in Celsius)
They do like groups (I'm still building my tank so I'm taking things slowly so it can adjust and I only have 2 atm)
Also don't forget to add water-treatment to the tap water to make it safe

2.5gal is the absolute lower limit for 2 frogs alone
If you want to add more frogs (or fish), you're definitely going to need a bigger tank, with a good fitting lid.

@lilfishie, didn't realise moss balls are hollow, might just get one then and cut it in half ;)
You just saved me a couple of quid :)

The bigger they are the more hollow, of course tiny ones aren't going to be hollow

Meant the girls have a 10 but if they get their own, they get a 2.5 gallon. Using Prime - is that okay?? I'll get a heater ASAP

Ah ok :lol: definately need a heater, the only issue i can see with the ADFs being with the females is food, but if you do as said eariler in this thread and feed them same place everytime *opposite end to the bettas ;)* they should be fine :)

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