Hard to say without knowing more details in terms of level and types of plantings. In genera,l plants use ammonium and they are also normally covered with bacteria when you get them.
Most heavily planted and high tech planted tanks do not need much, if any cycling. While tanks with just a few plants or low tech setups may need some cycling help, much of how to proceed will be a function of how one is willing to stock as well.
There is no simple set of rules that one can use to determine if their new planted tank needs any cycling help or not. The one thing that I do feel is close to universal is the need to plant first, give them time to establish, end then do any needed cycling.
The thing is that the sorts of plants that might need immediate ferts are also the ones which will consume the most ammonia and nitrite. This means that such a tank would also be one which needs the least or no amount of cycling help.