Acquired Tank


New Member
May 27, 2006
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Hi fish people!

I have recently acquired a 240 litre tank full of cichlids, catfish and a bunch of barbs. From various posts that I have read on here I'm not sure if the fish in there are truly compatible. Here is a list of what is in there and also are there too many?

3 jewels (1 bright orange about 4" head to end of tail,1 darker with blue shiny spots of head 4" and a smaller one about 3")
5 blue acaras 2 males, 3 females all about 2-3"
1 brown acara a massive 5"
2 angel fish 2" each
1 catfish 2" (name unknown with mega long whiskers) - hides all day
1 huge plec (a real whopper) prob about 7"
1 geophager about 3-4"
5 tiger barbs
1 flying fox catfish
1 kribensis

They all seem to get along some are territorial in the tank but there is no evidence of fin nipping, bullying or stressed fish. They seem to have been tank mates for a while with their previous owner. They are a feisty lot and all seem to ignore each other most of the time. They seem to recognise me when I approach the tank and are quite inquisitive and are lovely to watch! Any advice gratefully recieved! Oh and there are a breeding pair of jewels - some eggs laid about 2 weeks ago ontop of a plantpot but they got ate. The odd thing is was that the brown acara was guarding them with a blue acara...not sure why or if it were a coincidence but they were rather feisty shooing away the other fish!!


slim :hey:
Oh yes way too many for a 240l tank. too many pairs too :( the jewels are very aggressive fish, firstly I would suggest removing them. The blue acara again aggressive parents, I would split so you have just females or just males, chances are they could cross breed with the brown (I am guessing thats a port acara) so you would need to keep what ever blue sex the same sex as the brown. Blue acara can get to 8" so only 2 for that size tank. Your plec is small yet as I am guessing its a common plec, these can reach 24". Angel fish & Tiger barbs, you are going to most likely get problems with the tigers nipping fins of the angels, the angels are only small at 2". Your geo, it depends on the species as to its potential size, they do better in a group but singles are ok. If its a geo brazilliensis these are really nippy and aggressive they turn really quick in my experience. Your catfish long whiskars = predator, there are hundreds of catfish so a picture to identify it would be good, chances are as it gets bigger the tiger barbs will become its lunch depending on the species.

Apart from the jewels (sorry I am not great on the jewel cichlid) everything else, size wise are juvinile fish, they are all going to get bigger, at this size, yes they will get on but only for another few months, plus the over stocking of the tank can lead to some or all of the fish being stunted.
As star says, there is too much potential fish size in that tank. Some lovely fish though.

Juwels are nasty pieces of work in general, and one day will likely go on a killing spree. They're best suited to tank with things much bigger than them or being kept to themselves. Beautiful fish, full of character, but their attitude towards other fish lets them down.

The krib generally will require different water conditions to the other fish in there, so water condition wise may be the least compatible.

As also said, a picture of the catfish and the geo would possibly help us.

The really big question is, what do you want? You have a nice stocking list there if you want several tanks of beautiful fish, and if you want to slim down what sort of fish do you want to keep? Any favourites? That way we can suggest a mix around the bit that you like the most and hopefully leave you with a happy, healthy tank that you love.
As star says, there is too much potential fish size in that tank. Some lovely fish though.

Juwels are nasty pieces of work in general, and one day will likely go on a killing spree. They're best suited to tank with things much bigger than them or being kept to themselves. Beautiful fish, full of character, but their attitude towards other fish lets them down.

The krib generally will require different water conditions to the other fish in there, so water condition wise may be the least compatible.

As also said, a picture of the catfish and the geo would possibly help us.

The really big question is, what do you want? You have a nice stocking list there if you want several tanks of beautiful fish, and if you want to slim down what sort of fish do you want to keep? Any favourites? That way we can suggest a mix around the bit that you like the most and hopefully leave you with a happy, healthy tank that you love.
How can I go about re-homing some of them? I think I'd like to keep some of the acaras and if like you say the jewels are going to cause trouble I am thinking they would be better off elsewhere! I'm no big fan of the plec either although it's magnificant to watch it just seems too big. The catfish is hard to get a photo as it keeps skulking in the plantpot it's got 6 long whispy whiskers and is silver with black stripes. It's got a kind of flat head! I'll keep trying tho! Shame about the barbs as they are awesome and give the tank a bit of energy! I'm in Kendal in the Lakes so if anyone knows anyone who want's to take a few fish of my hands let me know! :D
How can I go about re-homing some of them? I think I'd like to keep some of the acaras and if like you say the jewels are going to cause trouble I am thinking they would be better off elsewhere! I'm no big fan of the plec either although it's magnificant to watch it just seems too big. The catfish is hard to get a photo as it keeps skulking in the plantpot it's got 6 long whispy whiskers and is silver with black stripes. It's got a kind of flat head! I'll keep trying tho! Shame about the barbs as they are awesome and give the tank a bit of energy! I'm in Kendal in the Lakes so if anyone knows anyone who want's to take a few fish of my hands let me know! :D
Hi I am unable to post pictures from my hard drive for some resaon. i have not got a 'browse' option! I have a few pics for you!
You can advertise the fish on aquarist classifieds, even put them on ebay or you can take them to a shop (ask first, some shops wont take fish). With you on keeping some of the acara, I am a big acara fan :) I am jealous you have a port acara, I am after one myself lol. From your description it sounds like you have a tiger shovel nose catfish going from memory these fish can get around 3ft long and it will eat everything in your tank :(. You would be able to keep the blue acara and tiger barbs together, just not the angels.

To post pictures you need a photobucket account, there is somewhere on the forum a guide on how to do it, I will see if I can find it for you.
There is a bit in here about how to post pictures :)

You can also put the unwanted fish on the classifieds section on the forum too. Shame you so far away because I take in unwanted fish from time to time.

Geophagus winemilleri?

I have spent ages looking for the exact markings online! Any ideas?

Thanks for the advice star I will start thinking of which ones I want to say goodbye to. I will prob advertise them on here or locally. If the catfish (don't think it's the one you said - looks nothing like it - see my pic above) is going to scoff other fish when it's bigger would it scoff the acaras if I kept some of them? I am deciding if I want to keep the angels or the barbs. What about angels and acaras? What ratios do you think are best?


Phew the stripes are the other way on the catfish :) It looks to me a species of pimelodus, however identifying catfish I am not brill at, maybe putting the picture in the catfish section someone there will get the exact one for you. You might be fine with it, depending on species.

Sexing your blue acara, sorry useless again there, a side on view is better. The bent tails looks like just a deformity, I have a fish with a similar tail it is no bother to it.

Your geo, yup thats a biggy, approx 10" potentially there, a beautiful fish but are quite active and need a bigger tank (personally), Wills will most likely be able to identify which species of geo it is better than me, I keep the satanopercia (another type of geo) but I have had some these too.

If it were me, I would keep the port acara (only because I want one lol) 2 blue acara, the flying fox, you could keep the krib he would be no bother and the tiger barbs, but increase the group to 8 (less chance of bullying amongst themselves). If you wanted to try the angels with the acara (cichlids you can never guarantee they will get along) you would be better off without the tiber barbs as they would nip at the angels. I think your catfish would be fine with the blue acara and port, and the tiger barbs, but see if someone in the catfish section can give you a postitive id first and potential size.

Also what filter did the tank come with? you may need to increase it.
I'm not an expert, but I'd probably start looking at pictures of pimelodus tetremerus. I glanced and thought of the african glass catfish for a few seconds but the whiskers are wrong as is the anal fin.
I know this is a old post but the fish you posted with the bent tail looks like a young green terror to me. I have one that has a similar problem. I was wonder how they turned out? Does anyone know what could cause that?

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