A Pictus Cat


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
State of Fear
I want to get an Oscar for a 50 gallon (I'm gettin' him little, so by the time he outgrows it, I should be able to get a 75 gallon for him). I know that they are aggressive, but I was wondering if a pictus catfish would be able get along with him (I ADORE pictus cats!!! :wub: ). They grow to the tank size: often they don't get bigger than a few inches, but max size in optimum conditions is 2 feet. He should be able to grow up the Oscar. I'm wondering if this would work, cuz like I say, I know Oscars can be mean...
lol they are both the sort of fish that will eat anything that fits in its mouth.
i dont think they would fight tho... depending on how big both are
:/ Hate To Break it to you but your oscar will probally outgrow that tank within 2 months.......Yes two months they grow tremendously fast. A Pictus cat COULD go with him for a lil bit then when u move your oscar into another tank the pictus will become dinner, hope this helps!
:lol: Where on earth did you get the idea that Pimelodus pictus can grow to 24 inches? Even the maximum recorded wild size for wild pictus cats is only 12".

Pictus cats and oscars wont make good tankmates, the slim profile of the pictus cat will be too enticing for a hungry oscar and at some point the pictus cat will end up in the oscars mouth, which could end up killing both fish if the catfishes pectoral spikes get wedged in the oscars throat.

Um, perhaps mollies then... I hear they like a lot of space... Erm, no oscars, not yet, I don't think so, THANKS!!!! Could've been a disaster...
This is a list of fish that are in the 205g that the oscar is in

Scleropages jardini, Australian arowana
Leiarius pictus, Sailfin pim
Hemisorubim platyrynchos, Spotted shovelnose
3x Sorubim lima, Shovelnosed catfish
Pimelodus albofasciatus, Whilte lined pim
2x Pimelodus ornatus, Ornate pim
Megladoras irwini,
2x Hoplosternum thoratacum, Brown hoplo
3x Agamyxsis pectinifrons, Spotted talking catfish
Crenicichla sveni, Spangled pike cichlid
Astronotus ocellatus, Oscar
3x Heros severus, Green severum
Satanoperca jurapari, Deamon eartheater
Polypterus ornatipinnus, Ornate bichir
Polypterus delhizi, Armoured bichir
Polypterus senegalus, Senegal bichir
Chrysichthys ornatus,
Potamotrygon motoro, freshwater stingray

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