A Nice Jungle Look, Or Over Crowded?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2009
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This is my 10 gallon for my Fundulopanchax gardneri 'Nsukka Gold'

Theres currently 2 males and 3 females, and what looks like a very young females. They share with a couple of young Bristlenose plecs.

I was hoping the tank would look much better once plants grew out, but now I think it looks rather untidy and messy.

I'm looking at getting some black sand to help contrast with the Killi's and make the plecs feel safer. So its a good time to move things around.

The floating java moss really isn't looking good, it just fails to grow elsewhere. Will probably lose that.

The lily is my favourite, and will need to stay :rolleyes:


I think there is too many plants in there. I would also take away the floating java moss
I think I'm going to remove the moss, and the java fern too I think.

And I think it needs decent twiggy bit of wood.

Thankyou for the comments =)
Nice Jungle!! It would look cleaner without the moss like you said, but it's a lovely home for fish.
More of the same for me - Fill the back and left in. Get it really Dutch. :good:
I like busily planted tanks :) With clearer water that would work for me :hyper:
Can I ask what the plant is that I've circled?

Looks good, might want to clear up some space in the middle and may I suggest a Corkscrew or Jungle Vallisneria in the lack left corner. Would really look nice.

Can I ask what the plant is that I've circled?


Looks like some sort of melon sword, not too sure though.

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