A Better Diet For My Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2013
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I have a 55g tank stocked with tinfoil barbs, tiger barbs, german blue rams, zebra danios, dwarf gouramis and a pleco. So far I've only been feeding them flake and pellet foods, and I'm looking to feed my fish a more well-rounded diet. Any suggestions on foods I could feed these fish? Bloodworms? Brine? Thank you in advance!
Bloodworms are a good start but make sure there live, I've tried to feed my fish freeze dried stuff and it's useless.
Frozen and fresh bloodworms would be great for the GBR's, Gourami's, Danio's and Pleco (depending on species), i do not have any experience with the Tinfoils (if only i had the tank) or Tigers but i would imagine they would love it to. I would also recommend Daphnia/Brineshrimp. One thing i would recommend you stay away from with these fish is Cyclops, it is tiny and makes a right mess, best left to the small fish IMO.
I culture my own white worms (live) and ALL of my fish go nuts for them. I also feed frozen brine shrimp, blood worms, glass worms and brine shrimp. Some of my fish like the freeze dried blood worms. I also use flakes, pellets and algae wafers.
I've yet to find a food my tiger barbs don't like! I feed a variety of flake, granules, wafers, freeze dried bloodworm (they still love it) and frozen bloodworm, brine shrimp and daphnia.

Oh, and dried tubifex - once they worked out the cube was food, they went mad picking at it.
I picked up some freeze dried bloodworms and algae wafers - the tiger barbs and rams love the worms, and everything loves the algae pellets. Going to pick up some frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp today. Thanks everyone!
I'm looking to feed my fish a more well-rounded diet.

if your using a good quality flake food, then your already feeding them a complete well rounded diet

on a side note.....how many tinfoils do you have? a 55 gallon tank is very small for tinfoil barbs
I'm aware of the tinfoils, I have 3, but they are still pretty young, and not even 4 inches yet. When they reach 5, I'm giving them to my brother who has a 90g tank.

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