do you have a theme? Wood or Rocks? usually by changing things around (if possible) you are inspired.
now when looking at the tank what makes it boring? the fish, or the layout?
if it is more the layout then if you can post a pic then more ideas can be added to change it.
for the colour of the fish you have red from the tetras, brown/yellow from the loaches, yellow from the SAE and most likely brown from the clown plec. if you have green from the plants mostly then you can add in some red (if you have the proper lighting/substrate) ex. red lotus. maybe more contrast in the texture of plants is needed?
for the fish IMO i don't really like the loaches, and would rather have a school of cories, so by switching out those loaches for cories you can have more "interest".
the tetras that you have gives you the colour red and movement, but because you have these type of tetras in your 29 you might want to go with another kind. rummy nose tetras? gives white, red, and black. there are these blue tetras, i have them in one of my tanks, they aren't as blue as when google the picture, but probably with age it'll show more
it seems that you need blue. you can add in an angel or pair for a show fish, or a type of larger fish that will hold the blue to make it pop.
the SAE are good algae cleaners, same with the plec, which if you have a heavy planted tank to keep because of that.