New Member
I am replacing my 100 litre with a 55 gallon
I already have these living happily in a 100 litre
1 bristlenose pleco
6 gold endler guppies
6 neon tetra
3 cories
2 siamese algea eaters
3 guppies
COULD i add
2 german blue rams
2 platies
1 rainbow cichlid
Open to suggestions but i cant get rid of any of the fish i already have
I already have these living happily in a 100 litre
1 bristlenose pleco
6 gold endler guppies
6 neon tetra
3 cories
2 siamese algea eaters
3 guppies
COULD i add
2 german blue rams
2 platies
1 rainbow cichlid
Open to suggestions but i cant get rid of any of the fish i already have