55 Gallon Community Compatibility?


New Member
Mar 25, 2012
Reaction score
Surrey England
I am replacing my 100 litre with a 55 gallon
I already have these living happily in a 100 litre

1 bristlenose pleco
6 gold endler guppies
6 neon tetra
3 cories
2 siamese algea eaters
3 guppies

COULD i add
2 german blue rams
2 platies
1 rainbow cichlid

Open to suggestions :)but i cant get rid of any of the fish i already have
Hi there.

First thing I would add would be some more corys of the same type to up your existing shoal. They are very social little fish and are much happier in larger groups. As for the Rams and the Rainbow ciclid, I don't have experience of those my self so can't advise there. However, do keep an eye on those algae eaters as they can become quite aggressive.

Look forward to seeing some pics :)
The rainbow cichlid gets 5" and may easily choose to make a meal out of some of your small fish.

As far as the rams I would recommend getting a pair or two females. Also lots of decorations to break line of sight in the tank. This fish is also pretty sensitive and doesn't like to adjust to new water parameters from my experience.

Platies will be fine if you get 2 females. If you get a male you need at least 2 females for it to pester.

I would recommend adding at least 3 cories and they like bigger groups.

Other then that you still have some room to work with as long as you have a decent filter.
thanks for the replies i will add some more cories then but is a male ram not a good idea as i was hoping to breed them?
and i will write off the rainbow cichlid

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