40 litres /10 gallon stocking ideas - a list


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2021
Reaction score
Czech republic
Since I took the time to write these down for another forum, I will post it here, maybe someone will find it useful

Of course it always depends on water parameters and requirements, this is not universal for everyone

groups of (8 and more):

Nannostomus marginatus, Chela dadiburjori, Trigonostigma hengeli, Corydoras pygmaeus, Corydoras hastatus, Corydoras nanus, Danio margaritatus, Oryzias woworae,
Boraras urophthalmoides, Boraras maculatus, Boraras merah, Microdevario kubotai, Microrasbora erythromicron, Boraras naevus, Paracheirodon simulans, Otocinclus affinis, Axelrodia riesei , Axelrodia riesei, Hyphessobrycon amandae

Heterandria formosa, Neoheterandria elegans , Micropoecilia, Quintana atrizona ,Pseudopoecilia festae, other natural Poeciliidae - live bearers, need good maintenance and they will breed so keep that in mind

African dwarf frogs - Hymenochirus curtipes, Hymenochirus boettgeri - to be kept in a group but without any fish

Hara jerdoni - smaller group of 3-4

Dario dario, Plesiolebias lacerdai, Neolamprologus brevis, some of the Rivulidae


any sort of betta except the large ones (Betta pugnax, Betta macrostoma) - some of the bettas could be kept in pairs too, some Nothobranchiidae or Adrianichthyidae killifish - again, could be kept in pairs
mexican crayfish - Cambarellus patzcuarensis - could be kept with fish, but considerations should be made

Remember, you only get to choose one of these. Not combinations, not ever (except the CPO or shrimp or snails, not with fish)

Maybe it helps someone
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Since I took the time to write these down for another forum, I will post it here, maybe someone will find it useful

Of course it always depends on water parameters and requirements, this is not universal for everyone

groups of:

Nannostomus marginatus, Chela dadiburjori, Trigonostigma hengeli, Corydoras pygmaeus, Corydoras hastatus, Corydoras nanus, Danio margaritatus, Oryzias woworae,
Boraras urophthalmoides, Boraras maculatus, Boraras merah, Microdevario kubotai, Microrasbora erythromicron, Boraras naevus, Paracheirodon simulans, Otocinclus affinis, Axelrodia riesei , Axelrodia riesei, Hyphessobrycon amandae

Heterandria formosa, Neoheterandria elegans , Micropoecilia, Quintana atrizona ,Pseudopoecilia festae, other natural Poeciliidae - live bearers, need good maintenance and they will breed so keep that in mind

African dwarf frogs - Hymenochirus curtipes, Hymenochirus boettgeri - to be kept in a group but without any fish


Dario dario, Plesiolebias lacerdai, Neolamprologus brevis, some of the Rivulidae


Hara jerdoni, any sort of betta except the large ones (Betta pugnax, Betta macrostoma) - some of the bettas could be kept in pairs too, some Nothobranchiidae or Adrianichthyidae killifish - again, could be kept in pairs
mexican crayfish - Cambarellus patzcuarensis - could be kept with fish, but considerations should be made

Remember, you only get to choose one of these. Not combinations, not ever (except the CPO or shrimp or snails, not with fish)

Maybe it helps someone
My 40 litre tank has a nice colony of yellow cherry shrimp, 6 Pygmy Cory’s, and a male betta. Everyone gets along. Shrimp are breeding successfully and babies are growing up without issue. Betta is super happy and active and not at all aggressive. Pygmy Cory’s spawn but the betta eats the eggs.
My 40 litre tank has a nice colony of yellow cherry shrimp, 6 Pygmy Cory’s, and a male betta. Everyone gets along. Shrimp are breeding successfully and babies are growing up without issue. Betta is super happy and active and not at all aggressive. Pygmy Cory’s spawn but the betta eats the eggs.
I am not saying combining them wont work or is impossible, but tbh, it would be best to pick one, start with it and see how it goes. In your case, betta splendens should be kept in ideal temperature range of 26-30°C with prefered upper ranges to be healthy, pygmy corydoras would like to be in a 22-26°C and cherry shrimp temperature should not exceed 28°C. Combining species in small tanks creates larger bioload with larger requirements of keeping and cleanliness. Smaller ecosystems dont handle errors well either.
I stand by my recommendation to have one of the above and focus on that, rather than combine and hope it works.
You will also notice I purposefully didnt mention any of the Tetraodontidae, because there have been many speculations against keeping them solitary in a small tank and I cant find a valid opinion supporting it
I am not saying combining them wont work or is impossible, but tbh, it would be best to pick one, start with it and see how it goes. In your case, betta splendens should be kept in ideal temperature range of 26-30°C with prefered upper ranges to be healthy, pygmy corydoras would like to be in a 22-26°C and cherry shrimp temperature should not exceed 28°C. Combining species in small tanks creates larger bioload with larger requirements of keeping and cleanliness. Smaller ecosystems dont handle errors well either.
I stand by my recommendation to have one of the above and focus on that, rather than combine and hope it works.
For me it works well and everyone is happy. I started with 10 shrimp a month ago and now there are at least 40 and the pygmy Cory’s are happy and spawning. Betta has no signs of stress and also hasn’t been aggressive at all to the Cory’s or the shrimp.

My temp is at 26 in all of my tanks.

It just depends on the individual fish really.

If things didn’t work out I also have a larger (210 litre) community tank that the Pygmy Cory’s could go in and a few spare 20 litre tanks I could set up for the shrimp.
Interesting lists :) Only one I'm not sure on is the Hara Catfish, seems an odd choice for a solitary tank inhabitant and would they not be better off in a small group?

Interesting lists :) Only one I'm not sure on is the Hara Catfish, seems an odd choice for a solitary tank inhabitant and would they not be better off in a small group?

Updated the hara, it is still mostly a novelty fish, not that many info. I found conflicting info, to keep alone, to keep in a small group, to keep with danio, but their water requirement and cleanliness requirements are quite severe.
Thanks for pointing it out
Updated the hara, it is still mostly a novelty fish, not that many info. I found conflicting info, to keep alone, to keep in a small group, to keep with danio, but their water requirement and cleanliness requirements are quite severe.
Thanks for pointing it out
I really like them, there was a member here that had an awesome tank with them in a small group. From memory it had sparkling gourami, chilli rasbora and thai micro crabs.
That's what I did... Its annoying tho
Its good to learn the scientific names as common names can cover a ton of species. Plus even with common names you'll still need to google a bunch :)
Its good to learn the scientific names as common names can cover a ton of species. Plus even with common names you'll still need to google a bunch :)
I can't memorize Idicus dontcareatus in my little brain sorry 😂

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