Hello all Im new to aquariums despite a life long fascination with them. My question is pretty simple. In my current 29 gal freshwater setup I have the following:
4 Diamond tetra
2 Emerald corys
1 Panda cory
3 Black skirted tetra
2 Pristella tetra ( I know two is not optimal since they are schooling fish. Yet so far they seem to be doing great.)
My question is, is my tank over populated or can I add a few more Pristella or maybe one more panda cory? Im happy with the population now and would be fine with leaving at the fish that are there. I dont know if I completely trust the aquarium center I bought everything from due to a lack of advice and withholding of information during my setup that almost cost my fish. Thank you and I look forward to you're responses.
4 Diamond tetra
2 Emerald corys
1 Panda cory
3 Black skirted tetra
2 Pristella tetra ( I know two is not optimal since they are schooling fish. Yet so far they seem to be doing great.)
My question is, is my tank over populated or can I add a few more Pristella or maybe one more panda cory? Im happy with the population now and would be fine with leaving at the fish that are there. I dont know if I completely trust the aquarium center I bought everything from due to a lack of advice and withholding of information during my setup that almost cost my fish. Thank you and I look forward to you're responses.