200 Litre Stocking Suggestions


New Member
Feb 21, 2013
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Hello All,
My new 200 Litre tank is currently cycling and is an upgraded tank to house a Red Tailed Black Shark.  I'm going to try a bit of aquascaping so the tank will be planted (co2 injection) but I'm unsure what else to stock it with. 
I want a nice school of fish so I'm thinking dwarf neon Rainbows (but I'm not sure if the're too delicate with the shark) or Barbs but I've had barbs before and want something new.
Any ideas?
What barbs have you had before?

There are so many different barbs I'm sure you could find one you like and haven't had before.

Alternatively how about a semi aggressive tank with serpea tetras
I like the idea of a spalsh of colour the rummy noses would offer but I just can't take to the minnow looking fish.  I've had green barbs before but after looking at the colour the rummy noses offer I was thinking of odessa barbs but then I've read they like the botton of the tank where the rtbs would prowl so I'm not sure thats a good mix.
What about Moenkhausia Pittieri?
Tek oot.
I like both the diamond tetras and the rosy barbs, do the rosy barbs really get around 6 inches?  That may be too big for a nice school.
taffia1 said:
I like both the diamond tetras and the rosy barbs, do the rosy barbs really get around 6 inches?  That may be too big for a nice school.
Not as far as I know - seriously fish suggests they max out at 3-4 inches
How wide is the tank? You could consider full size rainbows if its wide enough.

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