16 Year Old Adam's 300 Gallon Display Tank...

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Well my vortech MP40s have arrived, all £600 worth - these things are great!

whoa! how did you afford that lol, i struggle to part with £20 for 5 corys lol :good:

I was wondering that as well Bagu - is it the bank of mum and dad?

Don't take this the wrong way Adam as the tank looks like it is going to be a family tank - but Bagu and Truck there is something very satisfying about saving up the money and buying something for yourself :fun: isn't there?

Seffie x

Seffie, the tank is being funded by myself (no one else has paid anything - like no one else has paid anything for my 6 X 2 X 2. The tank is mine, and quite frankly, no one in my family has a clue about the tank!

I have saved my money myself, from my business i run and i my paper round money.

I feel very passionatly about my marine fish keeping, and quite frankly will do anything to look after and keep them.

Trod - yeah its huggeee! Lol

Don't take this the wrong way Adam as the tank looks like it is going to be a family tank - but Bagu and Truck there is something very satisfying about saving up the money and buying something for yourself :fun: isn't there?

Seffie x


Well, Adam as I said above, no offense was intended and if you are paying for all that your self then well done and good on you, you would surely then agree with the sentiment about paying for things yourself? My sentence to Bagu and Truck was well intended and meant for them, not you as they struggle with being young and finding the money they require for their tanks.

If you were indeed lucky enough to have parents funding your hobby then fantastic :nod: how I wish I could find me a sugar daddy to fund mine :lol: suppose I'm a bit old for that now though :rolleyes:

As for your PM, 'no comment'

Seffie x

It's really great that you are as ambitious as you are. It's unusual for young people these days and you are to be commended for it :good:

That sounds like a totally awesome tank. Could we have an update please??

:) Kj
Hi Guys, sorry about the lack of an update - i have now finished all my exams and i have started to plan the tank.

Unfortunately , i have a serious lack of funding now, and i am still trying to save up the money as the tank cost will be way into 4 figures...

Promise i will keep you all updated!

Hi Seffie, not too bad thanks, just glad there all over and done with now!

Apart from your trigger, are you going to be adding any more fish [I presume a yes] And what business do you run. You could start selling it out as a franchise [I'm 12 and would look into it :shifty: ]
Something I'm sure you've thought of before now, is getting in a Structural engineer to check the floor will take the weight. I'm going to struggle to get my 4X2X2 off the ground in a solidly built house, as my floor may not be able to take it... That tank will weight 1500KG in water alone, plus the tank, rock, equipment, salt (all 40ish KG of it you'll need for the initial fill) and accessory weight. Basically, when you have that full, it will weigh as much as an articulated lorry without it's load, and that lotty will be sat on the floor in that spot. Would you be confident in that floor taking that kind of weight? Spend about a hundered quid and get it checked, or the floor could go thought wasting a few grand in gear. Also, most insurance firms won't shell out for floor damage due to aquariums being placed on them, so you'd likely have to shell out for house repairs and re-decoration in that case too :crazy: You seem clued up about tanks and their "complications" though, so you've probably realised that already and had it checked, I hope :unsure:

All the best
I'm 16 too (exam results on Thursday :eek:) but I don't have a clue how you've managed to fund these tanks.

Anyway it seems you have dwarfed my 40g tank which cost past £500 so far I think. Not exactly sure may be creeping up on a grand.

Anyway good luck on the results and lets hope you can get the tank running.

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