Thought I should go ahead and finally start my journal
The dimensions of this tank are 72"x18"x23", coming to 129g.
1 Black Ghost Knife (Apteronotus Albifrons)
1 Leopard Ctenopoma (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)
1 Striped Peacock Eel (Macrognathus Siamensis)
2 Angelfish
3 Bichirs (Polypterus Delhezi, Palmas Palmas, Palmas Buettikoferi)
We have not decided on schooling fish, and we may forego these to add more bichirs. The bichirs will be added last since they're likely to try and eat smaller tankmates.
Amazon Sword (Echinodorus Amazonicus)
Melon Sword (Echinodorus Osiris)
Aponogeton Ulvaceus (Aponogeton Ulvaceus)
Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea Lotus 'Zenkeri')
Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne Balansae)
Watersprite (Ceratopteris Thalictroides)
Red Ludwigia (Ludwigia Repens)
Java Fern (Microsorum Pteropus)
African Water Fern (Bolbitis Heudelotii)
Banana plant (Nymphoides Aquatica)
Cryptocorynes (Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red & Green)
Anubias (Anubias Barteri Nana)
Four Leaf Clover/Water Shamrock (Marsilea Quadrifolia)
Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium Laevigatum)
Java Moss (Taxiphyllum Barbieri)
Lighting is 2 36" Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED+
Will be dosing Flourish Excel and EI based NPK + CSM+B <-- I'm not sure if that explains much. Using anything for plants is very new to me but trying to give as much info about this tank as I can
We'll be using black petco sand for substrate, PVC pipes (siliconed and coated in the sand to blend in) for caves, and hopefully manzanita driftwood.
The filters are going to be a SunSun HW-304B and an Aqua-Tech 30-60. Later on will try and add another canister.
Picture time! Some of these may be kind of pointless..when taking the pics I was very excited so anything was important
So here's the silicone, the sander, and a water pump which we are going to use to empty the tank when doing water changes.
The reason for this is that the current siphon we use, hooks up to the faucet. The faucets must be turned on to take out cleaning the tank uses a lot of water.
We'll still use that to actually vacuum the substrate, but after being done with that I'll use the pump to remove water quickly.
Here's the SunSun ^^ It's my first canister so was very happy and excited when it arrived!
We also got 2 300W Aqueon heaters.
We bought the tank&stand used, and it is from '99 so not the prettiest.
It needed new hinges, some handles, sanding, and paint. My dad is amazing and did most of it, though he let me help with some of the painting and sanding
Moved may notice the doors are a little off. It was like that when we got it and apparently can't be fixed? I don't think it's too noticeable.
Here's the PVC I mentioned, they're 4" in diameter. Thinking 3 10" long pieces to form a pyramid, with 1 12" piece on each side of the pyramid.
These will be pointing in from the back corners of the tank. The driftwood I hope to get will form a V with the PVC pyramid in the back center. Hopefully that makes sense.
We also needed to sand and paint the trim. It ran the first time so took a lot of tries again to make it look right.
Today, we cleaned the glass a bit more, though still some imperfections. They shouldn't show with water in the tank though. At least it didn't when we first filled it.
We also added the background!
This has been in motion for a little while so already had many pics and progress to share. I hope that doesn't make it too boring!
That is it for right now, tomorrow the tank will be moved upstairs (hopefully) and perhaps we can get the sand in too!
Huge thanks to: Alasse, blondielovesfish, Ch4rlie, daizeUK, eaglesaquarium, Ech0o, EllieJellyEllie, Gizaroo2, N0body Of The Goat, ReMz, SamB, Supraman, TallTree01, TwoTankAmin, and WildBetta!
Ya'll always answer my questions and give me your much needed opinions. It is really appreciated.
Really hope I didn't miss anyone

The dimensions of this tank are 72"x18"x23", coming to 129g.
1 Black Ghost Knife (Apteronotus Albifrons)
1 Leopard Ctenopoma (Ctenopoma Acutirostre)
1 Striped Peacock Eel (Macrognathus Siamensis)
2 Angelfish
3 Bichirs (Polypterus Delhezi, Palmas Palmas, Palmas Buettikoferi)
We have not decided on schooling fish, and we may forego these to add more bichirs. The bichirs will be added last since they're likely to try and eat smaller tankmates.
Amazon Sword (Echinodorus Amazonicus)
Melon Sword (Echinodorus Osiris)
Aponogeton Ulvaceus (Aponogeton Ulvaceus)
Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea Lotus 'Zenkeri')
Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne Balansae)
Watersprite (Ceratopteris Thalictroides)
Red Ludwigia (Ludwigia Repens)
Java Fern (Microsorum Pteropus)
African Water Fern (Bolbitis Heudelotii)
Banana plant (Nymphoides Aquatica)
Cryptocorynes (Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red & Green)
Anubias (Anubias Barteri Nana)
Four Leaf Clover/Water Shamrock (Marsilea Quadrifolia)
Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium Laevigatum)
Java Moss (Taxiphyllum Barbieri)
Lighting is 2 36" Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED+
Will be dosing Flourish Excel and EI based NPK + CSM+B <-- I'm not sure if that explains much. Using anything for plants is very new to me but trying to give as much info about this tank as I can

We'll be using black petco sand for substrate, PVC pipes (siliconed and coated in the sand to blend in) for caves, and hopefully manzanita driftwood.
The filters are going to be a SunSun HW-304B and an Aqua-Tech 30-60. Later on will try and add another canister.
Picture time! Some of these may be kind of pointless..when taking the pics I was very excited so anything was important

So here's the silicone, the sander, and a water pump which we are going to use to empty the tank when doing water changes.

The reason for this is that the current siphon we use, hooks up to the faucet. The faucets must be turned on to take out cleaning the tank uses a lot of water.
We'll still use that to actually vacuum the substrate, but after being done with that I'll use the pump to remove water quickly.
Here's the SunSun ^^ It's my first canister so was very happy and excited when it arrived!

We also got 2 300W Aqueon heaters.

We bought the tank&stand used, and it is from '99 so not the prettiest.

It needed new hinges, some handles, sanding, and paint. My dad is amazing and did most of it, though he let me help with some of the painting and sanding

Moved may notice the doors are a little off. It was like that when we got it and apparently can't be fixed? I don't think it's too noticeable.

Here's the PVC I mentioned, they're 4" in diameter. Thinking 3 10" long pieces to form a pyramid, with 1 12" piece on each side of the pyramid.
These will be pointing in from the back corners of the tank. The driftwood I hope to get will form a V with the PVC pyramid in the back center. Hopefully that makes sense.

We also needed to sand and paint the trim. It ran the first time so took a lot of tries again to make it look right.

Today, we cleaned the glass a bit more, though still some imperfections. They shouldn't show with water in the tank though. At least it didn't when we first filled it.
We also added the background!

This has been in motion for a little while so already had many pics and progress to share. I hope that doesn't make it too boring!
That is it for right now, tomorrow the tank will be moved upstairs (hopefully) and perhaps we can get the sand in too!
Huge thanks to: Alasse, blondielovesfish, Ch4rlie, daizeUK, eaglesaquarium, Ech0o, EllieJellyEllie, Gizaroo2, N0body Of The Goat, ReMz, SamB, Supraman, TallTree01, TwoTankAmin, and WildBetta!
Ya'll always answer my questions and give me your much needed opinions. It is really appreciated.
Really hope I didn't miss anyone