10 gallon planted aquarium


New Member
May 19, 2024
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This is my ten gallon planted aquarium it has have moss, anubias nana, crypts of unknown species, Cyprus helferi. and Apondgeton crispes.
I am planning to put a Betta and either a crayfish or some type of shrimp maybe orange amono shrimp or Australian amono shrimp though I am worried about the betta eating the smaller Australian variety or a small schooling fish like rasboras or silver dollar tetras.
Where is a good place to buy bettas from I was thinking of ordering from Thailand Bettas because their are not very good places to buy bettas from near me.
Any ideas to make the aquarium look more like the Amazon river
What crayfish would be good for this tank i would like a specias that lives at least 3 years


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Looking good! A Betta is perfect for a 10G :) if you're thinking of adding shrimp, a larger species of amano would be preferable that's If you can't view the Betta's in person. I watched my first betta's interactions at the store with tank mates and saw no issues within 10 minutes. But you could get a couple of shrimp in with the betta to see how it behaves and if no issues occur add to the shrimp numbers afterward. As for a shoaling fish, I wouldn't have a clue. I kept ember tetras with my betta but they were very reclusive. Another member could answer that question for you.

@gwand has kept Mexican dwarf crayfish I believe, they may help with any info about that idea you have planned.

@MaloK @GaryE are Canadian. I think.. 🧐? They might have the best knowledge of online shops in the region
sorry for tagging a lot of people 🫢

I'd suggest floating plants such as Frogbit for an Amazon look, a great addition that even acts as another form of filtration for the tank :)
Looking good! A Betta is perfect for a 10G :) if you're thinking of adding shrimp, a larger species of amano would be preferable that's If you can't view the Betta's in person. I watched my first betta's interactions at the store with tank mates and saw no issues within 10 minutes. But you could get a couple of shrimp in with the betta to see how it behaves and if no issues occur add to the shrimp numbers afterward. As for a shoaling fish, I wouldn't have a clue. I kept ember tetras with my betta but they were very reclusive. Another member could answer that question for you.

@gwand has kept Mexican dwarf crayfish I believe, they may help with any info about that idea you have planned.

@MaloK @GaryE are Canadian. I think.. 🧐? They might have the best knowledge of online shops in the region
sorry for tagging a lot of people 🫢

I'd suggest floating plants such as Frogbit for an Amazon look, a great addition that even acts as another form of filtration for the tank :)
I tried floating plants (duckweed) in my danio tank but it kept getting sucked into the filter and getting pushed down which made the water quality bad so I had to remove i tried a lot of ways to contain it but none worked I have also had some other bad experiences with floating plants so I may not do that
I tried floating plants (duckweed) in my danio tank but it kept getting sucked into the filter and getting pushed down which made the water quality bad so I had to remove i tried a lot of ways to contain it but none worked I have also had some other bad experiences with floating plants so I may not do that
Duckweed is minuscule in size compared to Amazon frogbit and wouldn't cause that issue unless you have a giant intake on your filter. If left unattended frogbit can grow very long roots that will even go into the substrate if you prefer that look. What other issues did you have with floating plants apart from the duckweed and filter issue? If the HOB filter is an issue, there is an easy fix to help prevent floating plants from being pushed down or sucked up. Use some airline tubing and create a ring around the outflow to stop plants from being sucked in.
I have 4 orange dwarf Mexican cray fish distributed across four tanks. One tank has about 75 neocaridina. One tank has white cloud mountain minnow’s. Everybody gets along.
I have 4 orange dwarf Mexican cray fish distributed across four tanks. One tank has about 75 neocaridina. One tank has white cloud mountain minnow’s. Everybody gets along.
I think Ian going to do those with my Betta
I think Ian going to do those with my Betta
Duckweed is minuscule in size compared to Amazon frogbit and wouldn't cause that issue unless you have a giant intake on your filter. If left unattended frogbit can grow very long roots that will even go into the substrate if you prefer that look. What other issues did you have with floating plants apart from the duckweed and filter issue? If the HOB filter is an issue, there is an easy fix to help prevent floating plants from being pushed down or sucked up. Use some airline tubing and create a ring around the outflow to stop plants from being sucked in.
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I had some larger floating plants in a tank and some got into a area in the filter where the is still water and because there was no light they died and there was a algae and ammonia outbreak also where could I get frog bit the only place I could order find it was Amazon in the 123 grows
I had some larger floating plants in a tank and some got into a area in the filter where the is still water and because there was no light they died and there was a algae and ammonia outbreak also where could I get frog bit the only place I could order find it was Amazon in the 123 grows
Never mind I found some used for a buck for a big handfull

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