
  1. M

    10 gallon planted aquarium

    This is my ten gallon planted aquarium it has have moss, anubias nana, crypts of unknown species, Cyprus helferi. and Apondgeton crispes. I am planning to put a Betta and either a crayfish or some type of shrimp maybe orange amono shrimp or Australian amono shrimp though I am worried about the...
  2. A

    HELP!! Crayfish molting issue

    Hi guys, my two-year-old crayfish molted last night but something went wrong. As you can see from the photos, it looks like part of the old shell is still there and has created a kind of "bubble". Has anything similar ever happened to you? Any suggestions? The water levels are in the normal...
  3. R

    7 gallon tank, overstock?

    I would like to set up a small, well planted aquarium with a nice filter, hiding place, and heater if needed. I have done research and have an idea on how i would stock it, but as i am a beginner, i need some confirmation or recommendations to make sure i do it right. I was thinking 5...
  4. xipo817

    Cyclic dimorphism of Procambarus clarkii Today I found an interesting article. I didn't know cyclic dimorphism of crayfish but this paper explained it very well. In short reproductive male and female has larger chelae and non-reproductive smaller. Also reproductive male has hooks on...
  5. Addison35

    New and needing help!

    Hello all, my name is Addison and I am a fish lover and seeking advice for a fish situation. I have an albino crayfish I've had for eight months, she lives in a communal tank of guppies, rasbora, tetras and danios. She is somehow spontaneously pregnant with hundreds of eggs and I've been told to...
  6. newmag1659

    Dwarf Mexican Crayfish and Corys?

    I’m thinking about adding a Dwarf Mexican Crayfish to my established 20 tall killifish and Cory tank. I’ve seen conflicting opinions on whether the crayfish will harass/eat the corys. I have 4 albino corys, 2 emerald. Is this a feasible combination or should I just skip out on the crayfish? I...
  7. W

    Crayfish antennae missing?

    hi all, my crayfish molted a week ago and for the first few days after she seemed fine. She ate an egg shell and most of her moult but I’ve noticed that the back shell and her claw parts of the molt haven’t been eaten. So I looked for her (she’s usually hiding during the day) and she usually...
  8. E

    Electric Blue Crayfish Tankmates

    Hello! I’ll soon be stocking a 75g tank as a beginner and hope to keep an electric blue crayfish from the local pet store. It’s very small (<2 inches) and currently living with various smaller fish. What kind of fish would be safe to keep with it? Here are some of the species I was considering...
  9. A

    Blue crayfish

    Hi all! Wondering if I could get a blue crayfish for my tank? 230 litre tank - I currently have 1 dwarf gourami (male), 6 neon tetras, 8 platy fry, 4 danios and 5 amano shrimp. I've read they eat anything they catch - mainly slow moving fish. My shrimp are pretty quick and same with my fish...
  10. L

    Goldfish ATE crawfish?

    Yes, you read that right. I have an approximately 8" comet goldfish (with a giant mouth) named John that I have had for over a year. He's in a 55 gallon tank with a few other small goldfish. In the past I've kept a red crawfish in the tank who lived to be about 3 years old. He never bothered...
  11. H

    Can I add 2 more?

    Hello, Current setup is as follows. 120 Gallon Tank, 6 Feet Long. MarineLand 530 Filter and a Rena/API XP3 Filter. Livestock: 2 x Bala Shark 2 x Rainbow Shark 2 x Ropefish 6 x Tiger Barb 1 x Angel Fish 1 x White Crayfish (Extremely friendly, I got lucky, have pictures of him standing...
  12. Fiji

    Snail/Shrimp Colony

    I am currently running a 16 gallon tank with a Fluval C3. I've always wanted an invert tank but have never actually gotten around to setting one up. I was thinking about breeding snails (pond snails, mystery, ramshorn, etc.) as well as cherry shrimp to raise as live food for my fish in the 55...
  13. A

    How Much Do I Feed My Crayfish?

    Hello,    I just got a new crayfish about 1.5 weeks ago and I've been feeding it 1 shrimp pellet every other day, and a piece of lettuce very Saturday. Is this good? If it isn't, how much and how often should I feed it?   Thanks, Anto BTW It's a electric blue crayfish.
  14. A

    Crayfish Molted!

    Hello, my Electric Blue Crayfish just molted and I don't know what to do. So, what do i do? Please help. Thanks!
  15. C

    Isolating Injured Crayfish?

    I have a tank with 6 small crayfish, biggest still less than 10cm in length, not including claws. I think they are probably Cherax quadricarinatus? Not sure? They are a blue-ish brown-ish colour, with small red/pink spots on their tails, two on each segment. The biggest one has also just...
  16. M

    Help. Choosing Fish Or Miscellaneous

     100L :  6 glowlight tetras, 6 guppies, 4 red eye tetras, 2 golden balloon rams, 2 penguin tetras and 3 Melanistius Corydoras I have a 100L tank and the Info is above i would like to know if there is a type of fish that will be quite large and elegant looking or crab, shrimp, crayfish or lobster...
  17. 214jay

    My Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster

    Hello.   Around 6 months ago I stumbled upon a new fish shop with loads of exciting stock.  I couldn't resist and purchased a tiny 'Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster' (Cherax quadricarinatus - The only legal crayfish allowed in UK).  I had plenty of space in my 30+gallon for more fish and thought I...
  18. obroadie

    Please Help Identify. Is This A Shrimp, Crayfish Or Lobster?

    Hi Everyone,   This is my first post. Today I foolishly, on impulse, bought two gorgeous little things from the guppy seller at our local market here in Thailand. I would normally do some research beforehand but in over 10 year this was the first time I saw them and got excited. My two year old...