Around 6 months ago I stumbled upon a new fish shop with loads of exciting stock. I couldn't resist and purchased a tiny 'Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster' (Cherax quadricarinatus - The only legal crayfish allowed in UK). I had plenty of space in my 30+gallon for more fish and thought I would make the purchase. When I got him he was just over an inch long and vivid blue. After moulting almost once every 3 weeks he has grown into a massive 8" crayfish!!! He has eaten/destroyed all of the living plants in the tank which I expected but he has left all of the shrimp and fish alone. He has destroyed the pond and MTS snail populations but cannot eat my nerites.
Anyway here are a few piccies of him and also a link to a video of him eating and the fish trying to steal his food
This is him when I first got him, only 1 claw from being in a small tank!
This is him now in all his glory!!
Here is the link to a video of him in the community tank! The fish and shrimp bother him more than he does them!
Around 6 months ago I stumbled upon a new fish shop with loads of exciting stock. I couldn't resist and purchased a tiny 'Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster' (Cherax quadricarinatus - The only legal crayfish allowed in UK). I had plenty of space in my 30+gallon for more fish and thought I would make the purchase. When I got him he was just over an inch long and vivid blue. After moulting almost once every 3 weeks he has grown into a massive 8" crayfish!!! He has eaten/destroyed all of the living plants in the tank which I expected but he has left all of the shrimp and fish alone. He has destroyed the pond and MTS snail populations but cannot eat my nerites.
Anyway here are a few piccies of him and also a link to a video of him eating and the fish trying to steal his food

This is him when I first got him, only 1 claw from being in a small tank!

This is him now in all his glory!!

Here is the link to a video of him in the community tank! The fish and shrimp bother him more than he does them!
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