new tank advice

  1. F

    New Tank Queries

    Hello Firstly, let me say hello and thank you for taking the time to read this post! Previously I've had gold fish on 2 occasions, once as a child (in 80s) when I had two fish in an old fashioned fish bowl that lived seemingly happy for 9 years until my Aunt killed them whilst we were on...
  2. rebe

    Fishless cycling and fish brainstorming

    Hi again everyone! First of all thank you so much for all of your help and advice in my last thread. I am so grateful, especially since I don't know of any aquarium hobbyists or groups irl. For this thread I'd like to hear your opinions/advice for fishless cycling. Last year I first attempted...
  3. R

    Help, Emergency fry tank setup

    So I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m wondering if someone can give me some advice. I have a pregnant swordtail in my 20gallon community tank and I also have a pair of (what I believe to be) sunset thicklipped gourami’s, which up until yesterday were in my community tank. However a couple of fish had...
  4. O

    Need help

    I currently have a 29 gallon freshwater fish tank, and I’ve had guppy and tetras (separate times) in there who lasted a while. We had a power outage recently where our Tetras all died. And now we’re trying to restock it but every time I’ve put fish in, they only last about 24 hours. I’ve done a...
  5. W


  6. V

    Can aquatic plants live without light?

    I wanted live plants for my new tank, but I don't have a fish tank light yet. Would adding the plants before having light hurt them? They can survive in the store without fish tank lighting. I've had to have my other planted tank light off for going on vacation as I didn't want an algae bloom...
  7. B

    Ich problems

    Hey all, new to the forums (and fish keeping in general so don’t bash me too hard lol) I have about a 1 month old, 37 gal tank. It’s not fully cycled but getting close. Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0.25 Nitrate: 5 I know now about the nitrogen cycle and cycling a tank but in the beginning I just...
  8. P

    Setting up brackish water tank for 50 gallon tank

    Hello, im new to brackish water since I only have 2 freshwater tank for my guppies. I wanted to ask on what canister filter that is good but affordable for a 50 gallon tank? This tank is for my 4 baby green spotted fish that my brother just bought before even doing research because the lfs said...
  9. D

    20G High Questions/Ideas/Suggestions

    Hello All! I have tried to find some good forums for getting back into the hobby but none seem to be very active or as engaging as this one. I've run quite a few successful tanks in the past but havent done so in a while. I set-up a 20 gallon high, planted tank. Theres about 8 different plants...
  10. M

    Emergency tank set up!

    I’ve had a tank up and running for 2 months now and I have 2 female bettas, 6 cardinal tetras and 4 cherry shrimp in a 48lt tank. My bettas where the first fish added and I’ve never had any problems with fighting or chasing …. Until I added my shrimp! Water parameters have been fine for 3+ weeks...
  11. Honey Fish

    Guppies how do I care for them

    Ok I’m getting guppies I have a 10 gallon tank so I have a few questions 1. How many should I put in? 2. Males? Females? Both? 3. Should I add tank mates? 4. What plants should a put in? 5. Also please include a basic care guide My water info I have hard water at 127 ppm I have a ph my PH...
  12. M

    New to tropical fish!

    Hey! So I recently decided to try Keeping tropical fish. Last Saturday I set up my tank (it’s a 48lt tank) and the lady at pets at home said if I used a bioactive tapsafe plus product I could actually get fish the next day. I was a little sceptical as I had read you must cycle the tank for a...
  13. Cuileann

    pH out of wack

    Hello, I’m very new to the hobby and it was an emergency rehoming situation to which I obtained the fish. Long story short, I have the fish in a 54 litre but I am currently cycling a 105 litre for them. The 54 litre with the fish is currently cycling too The problem is my pH levels are not...
  14. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Hey guys. This is going to be where I keep my water changes (I also have a Google Sheet). I really just want to keep up with my results and see if they are normal and where they are supposed to be! Your advice is welcome and appreciated. Plants: - Amazon Sword - Dwarf Hairgrass - Umbrella...
  15. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    Hey guys! I purchased my 37g tank today! I will be splurging and getting a tank stand as well, tomorrow. I just set it up as much as I could, I will be filling it with water and starting the cycle tomorrow (I got liquid ammonia today, pure ammonia hydroxide). Anyways, I would like to know if my...
  16. carligraceee

    36g Stocking, Plants, Cycling

    Hey guys! I have created a thread similar to this but now my tank is getting closer. I have decided it was my obligation to save for a tank before I save for a car, especially since my mom is willing to pay for my car (I just wanted to help out haha). So here are some questions I have! Cycling...
  17. BSVKilbey

    Digging out my old Fluval Chi - Ideas Please :)

    Hi all, Welcome and thanks for reading. Whilst I am not a "newbie" to fish tanks it has been about 3 years since I filled a tank up. Upon clearing out my garage yesterday I found my old Fluval Chi 19L 5 Gallon Fishtank. I didn't bother cleaning it because the intention was to throw it away...
  18. Kat1053

    Rasbora or danio?

    Hi everyone! I’m kind of new to fish keeping I currently have a male betta fish and a zebra snail in a 5 gallon tank and I’m in the process of cycling a 10 gallon but I can’t decide wether to get galaxy rasboras or maybe zebra danios, the filter I have for the 10gal has a bit of a current and my...
  19. shaziasadiqah

    Upgrading to a new tank

    So, my 57gal is cycled and ready to go. I put my two blackghost knife and add 4 angels. They are happy and no one seem to bother anyone. i know they needed a bigger tank and i do plan to upgrade it to a 100 or 150gal next year. i got the substrate from the old tank, plants, stones and filters...
  20. O

    New tank advice - Oase Highline?

    Hi, I’m looking at buying a new 250-300 litre aquarium plus cabinet. I had been looking at the Fluval Vicenza or Juwel Rio tanks. However, after visiting our local aquarist shop, my wife preferred the look of the Oase Highline 300 tanks (and a condition of me being allowed a new tank is that it...
  21. L

    Planting help and stock levels in a 60L tank

    Hi everyone, Much help needed - so thanks for any input! I had a tank many years ago and seems lots has moved in and I have forgotten the rest (!) I am planning to set up a tropical 60L (c. 16 US / 13 imperial Gallons) tank, measuring c. 40 (w) x 40 (l) x 45 (h)cm (c. 16 x 16 x 18”) I was...
  22. F


    Hiya, I currently have a 25 Litre tank containing 4 neon Tetras, 2 gold dust mollys, 2 Raspberry Tetras and one Pleco. I have had this set up for about 8 months but just purchased a new tank of 105 litres. I read online the tank set up can take weeks. I always use purified mineral water from...
  23. B

    Best Species for 3 Gallon with Live Plants

    Hey everyone, I’m new to the forums, but I’ve personally kept fish for the past 12 years (I’m 17). Yesterday I restarted my rank with new fish as my tetras just kept dying to the filter. Water was warm enough, filter clean, feeding them twice a day, and no predatory fish. In the end, my two...
  24. EliseCaelen

    Newbie tank setup help!

    Hey everyone, this is my first time using this site! I came here in hopes of some advice, as I've been having some troubles with tank setup and want to make sure it is the best for my future Betta fish. My main trouble is with the water in my brand new tank (25L tank.) My issue is that the...
  25. mbbowman

    Returning to the Fish World

    Hi! I was a member here long ago, back when I had a lovely 38 gallon plantic tank with my favorite Botia kubotai and tiger barbs. Between two moves and building a house, my tank has set empty for probably 6 or so years. We finally finishing our basement, and now my eyes are set towards a new...
  26. Ryan_F

    Stocking Ideas for 130L or 182L

    Hello again all, I am planning on getting a new fish tank for Christmas. I’m excited already but wasn’t really sure what to stock it with. I feel I’ve managed my 65L and a very small probably 20L if I was lucky, I feel like I could have to more “Advanced” fish now that I don’t feel like I’m a...
  27. F

    Looking for ideas to stock my tank!

    I am looking particularly for a freshwater, tropical schooling fish! But I am up for suggestions! Tank size: 30gallons Tank Dimensions (give or take an inch!) : 25 inches long, 15in tall, 13 in wide Substrate= sand, with a couple of marbles on top Two sponge filters: one that's meant for a 10...
  28. H

    Need Advice to Acclimate Guppies, Aquaponics

    I am moving 3 guppies (1 make, 2 female) to a larger tank. They are to go from a 5 gallon aquaponic system to a 35 gallon aquaponic system. The 5 gallon system is set to 79 degrees Fahrenheit, has a couple filters with mechanical and established biological filtration, decent aeration, and live...
  29. N

    New 10 gal--seeking cycle advice!

    Hi there! Please read the entire post to get necessary info to help you answer my questions! Thank you! I currently have 2 cycled 5 gallons housing one Betta and 3 ghost shrimp each. I successfully did a fish-in cycle in both (luckily) but with my second Betta the nitrite level stressed him...
  30. J

    My first tank!

    Hello everyone! This is my first post and tank! For Christmas I received an Interpret 5.5 gal glow life aquarium kit. It's pretty much set up for globefish, but it's compatible with any. I washed the tank only an hour after opening it and I washed the gravel in a spaghetti strainer so my water...
  31. L

    Potential Stocking List For 65l (17g)?

    Would it be OK to stock a 65 litre (17g) tank with: Honey Gourami x2 Guppy x3 Corydora x2 and a handful of shrimp or small school of tetras? I'm almost certain that this is overstocking, which is why I've come here for advice! I would use aqadvisor, but my tank is an odd shape, so it's a...
  32. M

    Large Aquarium Off The Shelf

    Hi guys I looking to upgarde my tank shortly - I am looking at around 5ft x 2ft x 2ft (between 500-600 litres). I have seen a lot of custom tanks this kind of size, or made to order, but does anyone know of a decent large tank that is in production? I dont mind ordering online. I was thinking...