
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. D

    Colour change or something sinister?

    I believe the black on the koi is just a colour change as it’s happening slowly and the koi is eating and behaving fine. However, just to be certain, I’d like other people’s opinions. I have looked online at possible diseases and none look like this.
  2. D

    Butterfly fish appearance geneal

    General opinions. Does anyone else’s butterfly Koi look like a wise old Japanese man comparable to Nagaoka Gaishi? or, is it just mine. Perhaps a little special?
  3. D

    Just born baby koi

    Good afternoon, I’ve kept koi for a few years now, and I’ve never really noticed any newborns, which made me think they were all male koi or any babies that were eaten before I could observe any. I’ve since introduced a new koi around February and placed a koi spawning brush just incase...
  4. T

    275 gallon outdoor freshwater tank

    Hello, new member here from Phoenix. I used to keep aquariums, but recently gave it up because I was spending much more time around the backyard koi pond. Seems I just couldn't stay away! I keep a 275-gallon IBC tote isolated from the pond, with its own filtration, to use as a quarantine tank...
  5. April_ht

    How to Catch Koi in a Pond?

    My koi fry have reached the age and size where they are able to be moved to my mud pond with a capacity of around 50,000 litres (is this able to hold 10-15 full-grown koi? No filtration, but planted with lillies and other plants and frequent rainfall with an average of around 200ml/month)...
  6. vikinglord13

    Dr. Erik Johnson, Koi Vet, interview

    Hello all, As some of you may know, I've been working on this video for some time now. It took much longer to edit than I anticipated, I hope you enjoy watching. If you like the video or learn something I simply ask you like my Facebook page, Zokomo Ranch; and, like the video on Youtube and...
  7. D

    Koi with swim bladder

    hello, my dad pointed out to me that his koi is swimming upside down, and i noticed it has swim bladder. I have fed him some peas and added in some pond bacteria medication, but is there anything else I can do for it? All help is appreciated as I'm new to swim bladder issues and definitely ill...
  8. HalfTailedOwner

    Sudden Ich with Koi? Advice ASAP, Please Help :(

    I've had this koi for around 5 months now (surprisingly) in a 10 gallon tank. If you didn't know already, I've actually been trying to find a new place to rehome the koi because I knew it would grow too large for the tank size.. This christmas, my uncle surprised me with some fish (and while I'm...
  9. V

    Rot or Not?

    Not sure if my betta has fin rot or if it’s black coloring? He has the black coloring on his gills too, so I’m not sure if it is coloring or rot of some kind. Would love to know your opinions! I have 5 ghost shrimp (they get along very well) with him in his tank, so I’ll have to either be very...
  10. giobelkoicenter

    This is what 100,000 Koi fry that a Female koi fish lay will make you awe!

    Hello, guys, this is what how one female koi fish can produce koi fry 100,000 per spawn
  11. giobelkoicenter

    tetracycline for fish that will make you treat a bacterial infection

    Hey guys, this is what I treat my koi fish that was infected by bacteria when there is no available anti-bacteria medication in the pet store watch it here tetracycline for fish
  12. giobelkoicenter

    Merry Christmas fish keepers buddies

    Hi guys, Merry Christmas to you all and to your loved ones wishing you all a very merry fishy Christmas God bless us all
  13. giobelkoicenter

    The koi fish turns into dragon Story (diorama)

    Hi guys, just want to share with you my diorama video of the Legend of the koi fish who turns into a dragon hope you like it he he
  14. giobelkoicenter

    our little baby loves feeding koi

    My baby loves to feed our kois Hi guys, happy weekend, just sharing my baby girl feeding our kois
  15. mrstwalker

    Torn Koi Fins & Scales ... Please Help!

    Recently my husband decided he wanted to start a North American Native tank & we have received 5 young (probably 1 week - 4 week old) Green Sunfish. In attempt to have 1 less tank in the house (yeah..right.  ) We decided to add our shubunkin koi to the tank (5)  because we had heard of people...
  16. A

    Something Is Wrong With My Koi, Please Help!

    Size of aquarium/pond - 55gal Types of fish - koi Number of fish and sizes - five 5-8 inch Filtration used and how do you clean it and how often - aqueon 55/75 and aquaclear's 55+ gallon filter (not sure model #), cleaned once a week How much in the way of water changes and how often --...
  17. mrstwalker

    River Rocks .. Help!

    My husband and I would like to go down to the river and collect some large rocks to build in our shubunkin koi & comet gold tanks. We put one in our tank yesterday and the fish seem fine, we scrubbed it really good and let it soak in boiling water for over an hour before we put it in.    Has...
  18. mrstwalker

    Naughty Koi

    So, if you havent seen my post about the Shubunkin Koi and Comet goldies my husband and I got you can read that here: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/429373-comet-golds-shubunkin-koi/#entry3633658   Anyway, I believe I have gotten my Koi's into a bad habit of coming up to the surface...
  19. mrstwalker

    Comet Golds & Shubunkin Koi

    SUPER excited! My husband and I just set up a 20 gallon tank for some juvenile Comet goldfish & Shubunkin Koi (once they are larger we will move them to our pond) This is our fish experience with Koi, and we have little experience with fancy goldfish. We already love them so much! They are all...
  20. Oscarcichlid4

    Koi Stocking

    Hello all,   I am making a pond in my back yard. It will be a circular, with a ten foot diameter. 6 feet deep at the bottom. It will be roughly 3,000 gallons, probably a little less. (2,800 gallons maybe). I was wondering if I could put 7 koi in this pond, with their adult size considered when...
  21. P

    Guide For Pond ? I.e. Maintainance, Guides

    Ive been recently reading up on all the cool ponds that the forum members have but wonder if there is a basic guide out there as to how to set up the tank, Maintainance of the tank and other simple but basic 'rules'   A very easy one comes to mind. In summer with such a large avaliability of...
  22. M

    Blue Koi Type Betta!

    Look at my lucky find this past weekend! I hope he doesn't change color :)
  23. W

    Is This Normal?

    I have had this koi fish for over a year now and he always does these "rolls" but I couldn't seem to capture him doing them until today and I'm just wondering if this is normal because I haven't seen any other fish on the Internet do this kind of it.
  24. M

    What Are They?

    A women in my area is selling Pond Fish and she included this picture. I'm not sure what they are... She said they were raised with Koi's (so they're not Koi's I'm guessing). Maybe just large goldfish?  