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Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Wenatchee, WA
Sorry for the blurs, the only working camera in the household is my phone lol. Anyway, here is what i suspect to be a female ram. Best pic I could get...You can kinda see how the rays don't extend over the body as the rays of the male has. Note: the male is the more colored one and the female is the drab one for some reason.

Tire-track eel I want to keep for a while before I trade him in


Green Severum


Common Pleco and smaller Clown Loach


Larger Clown Loach


juvenile convict (some special..supposed to stay blue throughout his whole life...thats why i bought it)

Cool Pics.
But a few tips and Qs
What size is your tank?
And that "blue fore life convict" is actually a Frontosa! A African Cichlid from lake Tanganyika and grows to be over a foot in length and needs to be in groups of 6 so therefore needs a biig tank!

Please research before buying fish. it really does help

The tank is a 75 gal. The convict being a frontosa is what i suspected for a while. Anyway, wow I was right for once...lol...it was sold to me as a Convict Sp. for like $3.50, and they just told me it gets the same size as a convict, and has the same old aggression, but instead of changing colors it stays that cool blue its whole life. I was just looking at pics of fronts after you said that and yes apparently I do have a juvenile frontosa for a fraction of the price they are...Too bad I didn't have a 200 gallon and 5 more of them lol...Thats too bad...and when I take him back to them should I take him back as a frontosa or convict?
Deffinately take the Frontosa back, and make sure you correct them on their identification error.

Looks like a nice tank although I hope you have good filtration as you have lots of messy fish. You would want a decent sized external filter for that tank.

One thing, Your cherry barbs will probably be food at one point, I would guess to the severums, but other than that loving the eel and loaches.

For filteration I have a UGF that has a aqua clear 70 powerhead and also a canister filter. I'm pretty sure the canister is for at least a 100 gallon because I got it off a 125 Gallon, but it wasn't enough for the amount of fish in the 125 so it got upgraded. I expected nothing else of the cherry barbs, I have a lot of great looking fish in there but I have never experienced schooling fish so I decided to get some cherry barbs. I started out with 5 but 2 have died and I really didn'e expect anything different from them becoming fish food.

I'm really stressing over this Frontosa though. I could take him back to my lfs and correct them and all that cool stuff, but then what happens to him? Somebody strolls in and buys him for their I don't know 20 gallon, and gets a cool looking stunted fish that isn't happy at all. I know I have to give him back, I just hope the the addition in price tag will back people without large tanks up. By the way, what does say a 1 to 1 1/2 inch frontosa go for?
Haha wow guess what I just read..."Minimum tank size is a 29 or 30 gallon tank for one fish. They do best when kept in groups. For a group of 5 or 6 adults a 75 gallon tank would be overcrowded". I'm guessing don't believe everything you have read on the net? By the way this is for the front.
Yes, dont believe anything you read unless you have more then one reliable resource that says the same thing.
If you're worried about giving it to the LFS.
Why not sell it in your local newspaper/clasifieds to someone local who has a good home for it.
And please remember to correct your lfs

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