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So I am going to buy my tank tomorrow rather than monday and have a couple final questions. The tank I am going to purchase is a kit with lights, filter, heater, etc. It doesn't come with a current thing (don't know if I need that) or a test kit. My list is:
the tank/kit, play sand for a substrate, a water testing kit, dechlorinator, ammonia, and depending on the answer to my previous question some swords and some floaters. Is there anything I am missing?
So I am going to buy my tank tomorrow rather than monday and have a couple final questions. The tank I am going to purchase is a kit with lights, filter, heater, etc. It doesn't come with a current thing (don't know if I need that) or a test kit. My list is:
the tank/kit, play sand for a substrate, a water testing kit, dechlorinator, ammonia, and depending on the answer to my previous question some swords and some floaters. Is there anything I am missing?
Sounds great!
A silent or plant cycle is where you use plants to cycle a tank. Ammonia is not added, the tank is planted and once the plants start to grow well, fish are added a few at a time. Bacteria will grow, but slowly and not as many as in a tank with no live plants.
Plants use ammonia as fertiliser and they don't turn it into nitrite. If there are enough fast growing plants they will use all the ammonia made by the fish.

You have 2 options.
Set up the tank without plants, use ammonia to do a fishless cycle, then put live plants in when the cycle finishes
Or plant the tank at the start, wait till they are actively growing then get a few fish and monitor ammonia and nitrite for several days to make sure they stay at zero.

If you have any concerns about your plant growing skills it may be better to go with option 1. Yes, a lot of the bacteria will die off once the plants really start growing, but you do have the back up of knowing there are 2 full bacteria colonies ready if the plants don't do well, or if there aren't enough of them.
So I am going to buy my tank tomorrow rather than monday and have a couple final questions. The tank I am going to purchase is a kit with lights, filter, heater, etc. It doesn't come with a current thing (don't know if I need that) or a test kit. My list is:
the tank/kit, play sand for a substrate, a water testing kit, dechlorinator, ammonia, and depending on the answer to my previous question some swords and some floaters. Is there anything I am missing?
Tools for maintenance :) An appropriately sized gravel vac for your tank, some unused, non chemically treated sponges and cloths, and buckets are a great start. Also worth considering whether you want or will need to run an airstone, so an airpump, airline tubing and adaptors, and airstone are useful to have in stock. (some airpumps come as a kit with all the little plastic doodads included, which is helpful and cheaper than buying them all individually usually). Even if you don't run one normally, and it's not always essential for sure; it's handy to have on hand if you're doing something like raising the temp or adding meds to treat ich or another illness, since those things reduce oxygen in the water, and the additional boost of an airstone is needed then.

It's great that you're planning everything out in advance and seeking advice, it should get you off to a better start than many people have, which is always better for you and the fish. :)
Also AquaScaping tools. You can find a good set for under $15. (I use the PERSUPER brand)

The tweezers are really helpful for planting plants, removing snails, etc. The scissors are good for trimming, and the substrate mover is good for removing a algae and... moving substrate. ;)
So I am going to buy my tank tomorrow rather than monday and have a couple final questions. The tank I am going to purchase is a kit with lights, filter, heater, etc. It doesn't come with a current thing (don't know if I need that) or a test kit. My list is:
the tank/kit, play sand for a substrate, a water testing kit, dechlorinator, ammonia, and depending on the answer to my previous question some swords and some floaters. Is there anything I am missing?
If you choose to do any rooted plants like a sword also purchase some root tabs. Floating plants of course wont need tabs and usually grow failrly quickly.
If you dont want to use plants to cycle then just add plants after tank is cycled.
Personally i always use plants to cycle a tank but to each their own! Good luck have fun on your adventure!
I think that I will go with a no plant cycle for my first time. I would rather do plants in but I don't want to kill anything.

Edit: I take that back I'm gonna do a silent cycle.
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I think that I will go with a no plant cycle for my first time. I would rather do plants in but I don't want to kill anything.

Edit: I take that back I'm gonna do a silent cycle.
A wise decision. If I can do a silent cycle any fool can as pointed out upthread.

I used:
Water Sprite
Amazon Frogbit
Water Lettuce

plus flourish root tabs and liquid flourish comprehensive.

Get a notebook for “fish stuff only”.
Date/timeline everything.
Test your tap water, write results down
Try to leave a container of tap water out for 24 hrs without adding whisky, test that water, write results down.
Half fill tank, plant plants, top up tank, add flourish, turn on.
Take photo for plant growth comparison. Only an idiot wouldn’t think of this.:mad:
Fret about everything, stare into glass box every ten minutes, ask this lot loads of questions ( don’t worry it keeps them out of mischief).
Test water every few days just to feel as if you’re doing something useful.
Most of all have fun.
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A wise decision. If I can do a silent cycle any fool can as pointed out upthread.

I used:
Water Sprite
Amazon Frogbit
Water Lettuce

plus flourish root tabs and liquid flourish comprehensive.

Get a notebook for “fish stuff only”.
Date/timeline everything.
Test your tap water, write results down
Try to leave a container of tap water out for 24 hrs without adding whisky, test that water, write results down.
Half fill tank, plant plants, top up tank, add flourish, turn on.
Take photo for plant growth comparison. Only an idiot wouldn’t think of this.:mad:
Fret about everything, stare into glass box every ten minutes, ask this lot loads of questions ( don’t worry it keeps them out of mischief).
Test water every few days just to feel as if you’re doing something useful.
Most of all have fun.
Sounds good! I'm super excited but also super stressed:rofl:
I'll order some of the plants you listed aswell, I know that my LFS has floaters and swords which were recommended to me so I'll be getting some of those! I'm going to pick the stuff up in a couple hours!
Realized my first mistake! I'm pretty sure I bought white sand for coral tanks. Does that have any negative connotations?
What is the sand made of?

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