
June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Do you think that the eggs have been fertalised by the male, if i said that right because they both could be female and they might not know it like angelfish. I'm giving away my brichardi if anyone wants him or otherwise im jus gonna give into the lfs for some credit.
I live in the South Yorkshire, Doncaster.
lol yeah that wont help im going tomorrow anyways to give him in.
Thanks though. These eggs didn't hatch again.

Its possible that they are both female and one of them might not be mature yet. Like you said they seem a bit too young to breed. Can you see what colour the eggs are? You could try taking all the fish out once the eggs are laid and put them in a place were you can see them, then see if they hatch.
Well, there are 5 of them, so chances are, one is a male. I should post of a picture of them, they have really put on some size. The eggs are a yellow-ish green color. From what I've seen with most fish, that means they are fertile. So, maybe they are just going bad again, and again, and again. Or they may not be fertile.
Are Brishardi peacefull community fish ? and can you mix them with Kribs coz im interested in them, i just dont know enough about them.
Although theres no way of me going up to doncaster xD
I am not sure how well they would do with kribs. I'm sure you could try it, but I would have a back up tank. They can be peaceful, but if something tries to attack them, they will defend their territory.
Are Brishardi peacefull community fish ? and can you mix them with Kribs coz im interested in them, i just dont know enough about them.
Although theres no way of me going up to doncaster xD

I still have my fairy cichlid, I have never kept kribs and don't know much about them but have read that they are territorial fish and from my experience and from what i have read in this topic the fairy cichlid is also aggressive, so to be honest i dont think it would be a good match. However, it could be possible that i have a male, and the female could be less aggressive or i could have just got the odd aggressive cichlid. Mine is under 5cm and still attacks the bigger cichlids on the sly and definitely goes after the smaller cichlids.
I don't know much about the conditions needed for the kribensis but the fairy cichlid will need to be in hard alkaline water and they prefer the rocky environments so the best option would be to use ocean rock for the setup.
The fairy cichlid is one of the first cichlids to be imported in the UK so it shouldn't be hard finding these.

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