Oh My God..extreme Fishing With Robson Green (evil)


Fish Crazy
Mar 27, 2008
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Gt Dunmow, Essex
Well while watching tv last nite my partner put on the Robson green extreme fishing and i was outraged!! :angry: ! Atfer shooting this half fish half aligator type thing throught the head they through it in a bucket to die in pain!! :angry: They the did this to 2 beautiful carp. They shot them through the middle n againg through them in the bucket to die.. Also i dont think they had any intention of eating them... :crazy:
He then moved on to catch a beautiful big shark with a rod which was fine but to get it outa the water they got a big hook stuck it through the side of the shark and pulled it out!!! Poor thing was bleeding and then they just tossed it back!!!
Is this just me or do others feel the same?? :<
Well while watching tv last nite my partner put on the Robson green extreme fishing and i was outraged!! :angry: ! Atfer shooting this half fish half aligator type thing throught the head they through it in a bucket to die in pain!! :angry: They the did this to 2 beautiful carp. They shot them through the middle n againg through them in the bucket to die.. Also i dont think they had any intention of eating them... :crazy:
He then moved on to catch a beautiful big shark with a rod which was fine but to get it outa the water they got a big hook stuck it through the side of the shark and pulled it out!!! Poor thing was bleeding and then they just tossed it back!!!
Is this just me or do others feel the same?? :<

Didnt see the program but that sounds awfull! infact im glad i didnt cos that would of really upset me watching that, poor fish. :angry:
likewise didn't see it but it sounds pretty grim.

we see a lot of mis conceptions regarding fish, one of the main ones being 'fish don't feel pain'. This is common amongst inexperienced fishkeepers and also fishers which is pretty sad.

i know a few people who go fishing and I don't disagree with it in principle, I've been fishing with an ex of mine before, he hardly caught anything but anything that he did catch was treated with care and respect and allowed back into the water unharmed. I think the majority of fishers are the same but it's a few idiots who make a bad name for everyone.
I used to go fishing with my father nearly every evening from May to October for about 20 years.I loved it.Caught my first fish at 5 years old.It was like a bonding thing.But he taught me to release what wasn't big enough to eat and whatever was big enough we ate,salmon,white trout,brown trout.
He died 8 years ago,and i haven't lifted a rod since.
Haven't seen this program.Did you say they shot it in the head,then threw it in a bucket to suffer.Would shooting it in the head not kill it ??
i think people should understand the situation that some of these antics are ocurring in.

i agree that using a gaff (the big hook for landing the shark) is not a very pc thing to do these days, however an experienced gaffer will land and release a fish that will heal and live a long life. Alot of the fish gaffed on the programme were later eaten (those from the tuna family)

as for shooting the carp with a bow and arrow, as it was said it is a very traditional way of catching fish, and unlike netting does give the fish a chance to escape.

It may not seem very nice, but in america (and australia/new zealand) the carp is in fact a pest. It destroys spawning sites and eats the eggs of native fish. also because of the way it feeds, it stirs up the bottom, putting sediment into the water column which restricts the amount of light that can penetrate through the water. This in turn restricts the growth of plants, and ultimately the life that the native fish feed upon.

it is unfortunate though that such a programme as this is shown on terrestial tv in the UK, as it does include these controversial clips, which can ultimately do little good for the face of angling.
there is a programme nearing completion by Martin Bowler & Hugh Miles (who also did Passion for Angling) that will show angling and the environment in a more true light. However as yet no tv channel has bought it which i feel is a real shame.
i think people should understand the situation that some of these antics are ocurring in.

i agree that using a gaff (the big hook for landing the shark) is not a very pc thing to do these days, however an experienced gaffer will land and release a fish that will heal and live a long life. Alot of the fish gaffed on the programme were later eaten (those from the tuna family)

as for shooting the carp with a bow and arrow, as it was said it is a very traditional way of catching fish, and unlike netting does give the fish a chance to escape.

It may not seem very nice, but in america (and australia/new zealand) the carp is in fact a pest. It destroys spawning sites and eats the eggs of native fish. also because of the way it feeds, it stirs up the bottom, putting sediment into the water column which restricts the amount of light that can penetrate through the water. This in turn restricts the growth of plants, and ultimately the life that the native fish feed upon.

So you think is is okay to leave a fish suffocating in a bucket do you???
So you think is is okay to leave a fish suffocating in a bucket do you???

Let me ask you something, do you eat fish?

if so do you think that when they are caught in their thousands, they are all individually humanely put to sleep?

No of course they are not!
they are left to suffocate as were the fish in the programme, except without thousands of their mates lying on top of them crushing them.
easy tiger. :crazy:

i only made the comment because many people are when it come to angling/eating fish.

you are obviously commited to the well being of all animals so i shall not antagonize you further, suffice to say i don't see too much of a problem with the way these fish were treated.
Fish are treated much worse by keeping them in ridiculously small tanks in terrible water conditions.
You should be more worried about trolling boats instead of bowfishing. At least in bowfishing, they are getting rid of an invasive species and the fish die within minutes due to bloodloss, instead of hours in a net.
on the shooting bit I only saw them go after 1 moorhen - which he injured

That bloke was an absolutely terrible shot, he should've been aiming for the head
on the shooting bit I only saw them go after 1 moorhen - which he injured

That bloke was an absolutely terrible shot, he should've been aiming for the head
That was the only shooting bit with a gun and i agree he was an idiot!!
They were shooting the fish with a bow and arrow with a line attached to the arrow that went straight through the fish and out the other side.

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