Why We Should Not Fishless Cycle Planted Tanks.

Ah right, isnt that similar to what would be done for a fish-in cycle?

And how long for do you think?

yes i suppose,
it is reccomended you do it daily for 2 weeks, then cut back to 2 per week for another 2 weeks, then after you can go down to 1 per week.
the filter matures solwly so it is able to cope with additional bioload over the weeks, also plant mass will of increased providing extra filtration.
Cheers aaron, i fishless cycled for a bit and i already have a fair bit, before i stopped i was processing 3ppm of ammonia in 12 hours.


Sorry for all the questions

What would be best going in first, corys or harlequins? Does it matter?
Cheers aaron, i fishless cycled for a bit and i already have a fair bit, before i stopped i was processing 3ppm of ammonia in 12 hours.


Sorry for all the questions

What would be best going in first, corys or harlequins? Does it matter?

it doesnt matter really, probably harlequins incase the corys decide to dig, however, i added my loaches first with nothing uprooted - only a few came up.
I did PM aaron about this, but i decided to post here for other people wanting answers to the same question.

Im thinking about using zeolite as well, but how much? and how often should i replace it? Would purigen be better/worse?



Would one of those be ok?

For anyone interested

Aaron, for peace of mind ive decided to run zeolite in the last stage of my ex600, just as like an insurance type thing, how much would i need and how often would i need to replace it?


That stuff be ok?

i should think 500g will be enough. I have 100g of purigen in my EX1200 covers approx 1/4 of the tray. :good:

Replace it every month, or leave it for biological filtration.

And yes, seffie, come to the green side...


Going with purigen, would a 100ml bag be ok? How often should i replace it?
Going with purigen, would a 100ml bag be ok? How often should i replace it?

Hi Geoff

With purigen, it can be reused up to eight times before replacement. When it goes a dark brown colour after being used for a while (3 months+) take it out of the filter and "regenerate" it. The thread here and
here explains how to do this.

Hope this has helped :good:

Heres the plan then

Going to put a bag of purigen in the top basket of my ex600, then add 6 harequin rasboras and do water changes every other day for a week, then a week later i shall add 6 corys and do a water change every other day for another week, then i shall add about 6 amano shrimp and 10 cherry shrimp and do water changes twice a week for 2 weeks then drop down to one water change a week.

Ive read that if you use a certain water conditioner the purigen cant be regenerated so ill just replace it every month to be on the safe side.

Sound ok?

Heres the plan then

Going to put a bag of purigen in the top basket of my ex600, then add 6 harequin rasboras and do water changes every other day for a week, then a week later i shall add 6 corys and do a water change every other day for another week, then i shall add about 6 amano shrimp and 10 cherry shrimp and do water changes twice a week for 2 weeks then drop down to one water change a week.

Ive read that if you use a certain water conditioner the purigen cant be regenerated so ill just replace it every month to be on the safe side.

Sound ok?

dont replace it, that is just wasting money, seachem prime is dead cheap anyway, 5ml treats 200litres so it will last you an age :good:

The rest is good :good:
Thanks, i decided to not do 50% daily as with the purigen there shouldnt be an ammonia build up anyway, right?

Regeneration: Soak in a 1:1 bleach:water solution for 24 hours in a non-metalic container in a well ventilated area and away from children. Rinse well, then soak for 8 hours with a solution containing 2 tablespoons of ChlorGuard™, Prime®, or equivalent dechlorinator per cup of water. Rinse well. For freshwater use, soak for 4 hours with a solution containing 1 tablespoon of buffer per cup of water (Discus Buffer™, Neutral Regulator™, or Acid Buffer™). Original color and full activity should now be restored and Purigen® is ready for reuse. Caution: some slime coat products may permanently foul Purigen® and render regeneration difficult. Do not reuse if odor of chlorine is detectable. In case of doubt, soak beads in small quantity of water and test for residual chlorine with a chlorine test kit.

I got confused there for freshwater do you just soak it in the buffer, or the bleach then the buffer? :S


Also i noticed one of my crpyts had melted and now i have brown algae on my substrate. Im assuming theres a direct link there and the crypt melting caused it, what do you think?

I just pruned all the melted leaves and decided to split the wedntii at the front right up into separate plantlets. Got a nice piece of redmoor wood coming so a rescape shall follow.

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