Poorly Cory?

just uploading one now ... 2 minutes
EDIT: Added a new photo of the harley on the other thread RCA if you want to have another look?
Did you get a clearer pic of your Cory spot?
no, he's too quick. He's no better and so I'm at a loss as to what to do for him. What ever it is that's wrong with him it's not responding to anything I've tried
Akasha, could this have anything to do with the phosphate issue you have posted about before? Maybe if your little guy is old (as Rainbow suggested) or a little stressed the phosphates may affect him more than the others?
I have no idea, this is just a guess. I hope he pulls through.
he's not old, he's less than 5 years old and cories can live for around 10 years. The PO4 issue has caused ill health in my fish but it's always cleared up when I've got it back under control. At the moment it's under control again so if the poorly cory was down to the PO4 I'd expect to see him getting better but he's not. It's really odd
You could contact the Fish Vet in Glasgow, they are not cheap (as I well know) but may offer you some advice to assist?
Would recommend you write up a history of the fish and email it to them and see what they can offer as assistance.
PM me if you need more details.
Sorry I am (too) late but I think it is Trichodina (a ciliate)
ooh thank you double dutch, I shall do some research

less than a minute's research and I can tell you it's not that. Sorry :/
Akasha72, how is he doing?  You going to try the fish vet?
To help us all learn why have you ruled out what the previous OP posted?
Hi, there's no change at all. He's still spawning with the females and still carrying on in the normal way.
My reason for ruling out the most recent ID on what is wrong is because the link said you could see this parasite moving - there's definitely nothing moving at all. That I am certain of. It also said this parasite was highly infectious and he's no infected any other fish and I have well over 20 cories in my tank, all of which he interacts with. If what he has was infectious all my cories would be affected
Cool thanks for the update, maybe it is just unique to him, something missing in his DNA...who knows.
I suspect the same RCA, I've tried treating and I've got nowhere with any medication I've tried. He's not passing anything on so it's not infectious and he's behaving normally so he's not feeling poorly.
I'm also inclined to lean toward something wrong in his DNA. It will be interesting to see if he lives a shortened life or a normal lifespan. Either way, he'll get a good life. He's currently munching on bloodworms. 
I tried creeping up on the tank with my camera to see if I could get a better photo but he clocked me and darted off into the plants! He's a cunning lil fella
just resurrecting this thread as I now have a bronze cory showing the beginnings of the same symptoms .... Would adding an anti-biotic help?

I'm starting to suspect some kind of external parasite but I've no idea what. I've never seen anything like this before
Hey my earlier post doesn't show. I still believe it is a ciliate, flagellate or parasite alike.
Before using an antibiotic and try an anti parasital med. Most anti Ich meds will be useful

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Hi DD ... I've been and got a broad spectrum parasite med today. It also treats the white film that's appeared. It's a one dose thing but there's enough med to dose my tank twice. What I'll do is treat the tank as per the instructions and see how things look in a week. If there's no improvement then I'll dose again and see if a second dose will cure it.
I'm determined to cure them both

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