Have Got A 28L,want A Betta And Pygmy Corries And Amano Shrimp?


Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2011
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Hi ,i`ve got a 28l ,empty at the moment ,want to do a fishless cycle on it with household ammonia [is that just normal bleach?],and add a betta to it but also want to keep 6 pygmy corries and amano shrimp ,would this be alright?
Ammonia is not the same as bleach; bleach is chlorine!

You'll be pushing the top end for the stocking levels; it could be ok if you're rigorous about water changes and not overfeeding, but I'd stick with just the betta and the shrimp if I were you.
Hi Fluttermoth ,where would i get pure ammonia from then ?
I think you can get it from Boots. I also have a 28l with a Betta and 2 African Dwarf Frogs and a couple of Cherry shrimp.
You could use a small piece of filter media from your main tank Maisy. If not, then use fish food as the ammonia. I have done this very successfully in the past. Another way to do it is when you do your routine maintenance on your filter, i.e. wash the sponges, do it in the 28L tank and let that filter suck up all the mulm. This will provide you with a decent amount of beneficial bacteria. :good:

Also +1 for the Betta and Amano Shrimps.
Thanks everyone,just think my 28l would look a bit boring with just 1 betta and shrimp,need a few more fish,if anyone could advise anything that a betta would live with and wouldn`t overstock tank ?
The point with little tanks is that you sit really close up, and look at things in great detail. My son's got an Edge with three male Endler's and two Amano shrimp, and you can spend literally hours peering in there watching them; I don't think you'd find it boring at all :)

How about some snails?
Thanks Fluttrmoth,will keep this in mind ,can`t stand snails,they freak me out.
Aww, they used to freak me out too, until I actually had some, now I find them rather nice :)
I have apple snails and i think they're awesome, but also think they would be a bit too big for your tank. Are you set on Amano Shrimps Maisy? I have recently found some orange shrimps and am so tempted to get them. You could have a fair few, maybe 6-10 in your tank which would make for alot more interest in it. If you're not set on the Betta then look at Micro Rasboras and the already mentioned Endlers. :)

Boraras spp. (Micro rasboras)
Yes, microrasboras would be nice.

I think the trick with tiny tanks is not to even try stock them to capacity; just have a few really nice things and take the time to really look at and appreciate them; that's where little tanks come into their own.
Thanks all,only problem is i`ve never seen rasboras or endlers at my lfs?
Not even endlers? :blink:

Blimey, these seem to be in all of my lfs! Mosquito Rasboras i have seen in only one though.

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