Have Got A 28L,want A Betta And Pygmy Corries And Amano Shrimp?

You'll have to have a better look; everywhere has Endlers these days! it's very easy to overlook these things as they're so small and they generally don't colour up well in shop tanks.
The microrasboras might be bit more difficult, but most LFS will order things in for you.
try out a few plants instead of all fish, i didnt expect to find growing plants in a tank interesting at all, but i've changed my tune since i tried it :)
My lfs is Pets at home ,though!
So? One of my lfs is pets at home as well and they are very willing to order fish for me. They are even willing for me to collect the fish at Monday lunch when they are delivered and bring them straight home so the fish don't even go into their tanks. All you can do is ask, and if you say it nicely there's no reason why not, especially if you've built up a rapport with them.
Pets at Home surprised me really, bought 2 amano shrimp and 5 glowlight tetras and they were asking me all sorts of questions testing my knowledge. I keep Koi and have just started keeping tropical fish but I like to think i half know what i'm doing already.

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