Zebra Loach - Temperament?


New Member
Jan 16, 2011
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Thinking of purchasing some zebra loach to sort out my snail problem.
Will they be compatible with my other fish? I currently have honey gourami, white tip tetra and platy.
I also have shrimp.....are they likely to eat the shrimp as well as the snails?? x
zebra loaches are peaceful for the most part they need alot of hiding places, they will eat brine shrimp and snails, so watch out for that an they should be kept in groups of 4 or 5. it sounds like your having snail problems, do you put aquarium salt into your tank? if not aquarium salt helps get rid of some species of snails. but loaches will do the job also, if your shrip are little they will be eaten.

another question how big is your tank??
Hi there,

Thanks for your reply.
My tank is only small - 28 litres. So I really don't feel like I have the space for them but my LFS kept insisting it would be fine. Otherwise I'm thinking about getting some assassin snails....
I didn't know you could add aquarium salt. is that safe for freshwater setups?

Get the assassin snails. 28l is no way big enough for a group of zebra loach, and they do need to be in a group. I've never heard of aquarium salt being used to get rid of snails, so I'll have to let some one else comment on that!
thanks!! Ive just bought 4 assassin snails.
Do they grow??? This my be a silly question but I don't need to provide bigger shells for them to move into do i? Like you would with hermit crabs.
Also, what will they eat once they have eaten all the snails??


Get the assassin snails. 28l is no way big enough for a group of zebra loach, and they do need to be in a group. I've never heard of aquarium salt being used to get rid of snails, so I'll have to let some one else comment on that!
No, you don't need to provide shells; the ones they have grow with them. They'll eat meaty fish food, catfish pellets or algae wafers or prawns and things once your snails are gone :)
Yes, they'll eat pretty much anything, I think :)
aquarium salt helps keep the fishes slime coat intact it keeps your fish healthy, but if you got assassin snails theres no need for the salt.

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