You guys were right, a large school of Rummy Nose’s are impressive

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
1st buy, can from a more questionable dealer, and they all died in 24 hours… 2nd try came from Dan’s fish, I ordered 8, and all 8 lived… so I ordered 8 more from Fan’s again, and these all look good the 1st anyway… but right now there are 15-16 of them schooling, and it’s an impressive sight🤗
that's great news
That rummynose tank would make a nice entry in the TOTM contest that features your size tank..
1st buy, can from a more questionable dealer, and they all died in 24 hours… 2nd try came from Dan’s fish, I ordered 8, and all 8 lived… so I ordered 8 more from Fan’s again, and these all look good the 1st anyway… but right now there are 15-16 of them schooling, and it’s an impressive sight🤗
Pics please
@gwand… my cell doesn’t take great pictures, and there are so many, and they are so active… it’ll be a challenge… I’ll try in the morning, with full lighting on in the tank
A teaser… I tried right now, but some of the lights aren’t on, and the bubbles are in motion and blurry
I love rummys in a shoal, not kept them in years since I last kept discus but planning on setting my 6ft tank up for discus next year with about 40 rummys
@simonas … I have a 250 gallon I’m hoping to get set up sometime in 2024, to make as a discus tank, and planned on a large shoal of Rummy’s in that tank as well
@simonas … I have a 250 gallon I’m hoping to get set up sometime in 2024, to make as a discus tank, and planned on a large shoal of Rummy’s in that tank as well
I’m gealous. I always wanted a discus tank. My lfs has some beauties. Unfortunately my well water is way too hard.
These are all “platinum rummy’s which must have been futzed with over the regular breed… these have a Neon / Cardinal tetraish silver stripe down the side, and still have the red face, and black and white stripes on the tail…
My favorite of all the Characins.

They do look a bit pale, though...water params are all good?...what temp is the tank?
Water is typically perfect, since I put in the RO filter… temperature is 78 to 79 degrees
My two favorite tetras I have kept ware cardinal and rummynose (the Bleherii), Many years ago had 65 cardinals in my in-wall 75 gal. I had clown loaches and SAEs in the tank and the cards tended to be in either one or two tight schools. It was an amazing sight.

What was even more interesting is when one of the cards got ill and lost its balance so that it swam upside down, I spotted this in the middle of the school almost instantly. When the colors are upside down that individual stood out like a sore thumb.

Get as many as you can and then make sure you have one or two larger fish that the tetras perceive as a threat but which actually is not. For me, the SAEs worked perfectly. The clowns were an extra at times in relation to keeping them schooling.

edited for typos and spelling
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When I worked with importing I could afford big groups. I had a big gang of rummys, and a huge bunch of cardinals. When they passed in opposite directions, it was fantastic. I'm working on getting 50 cardinals to join the 12 I have now. 20 cardinals or rummy noses are the best centrepiece you could have. Well, 20 real pristellas aren't too shabby, and glowlights, black neons (underrated and great in groups) or hatchets... marble hatchets are another fantastic group fish.

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