Yikes!... Urgent Pc Emergency!

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
Sorry man... But this is the only forum I'm a member of... So many expert ichtiologists together must have at least one PC expert as well...All I did was try to upload pictures directly from my camera and suddenly,..... my PC screen turned portrait instead of landscape... How do I reverse this??... I've rebooted, checked tools and all the basics to no avail... Will appreciate if anyone can help URGENTLY, as my neck gets quite stiff viewing the screen sideways. Moving the mouse around is also tricky as up & down is left to right and vice versa.......
Well, if worse comes to worse you could try rolling your video adapter driver back and forward again (down in device manager in most windows machines.) First I would poke around in the notification area (lower right, aka system tray) and see if your adapter installed some extra software that might have a setting for rotation. Also, note that some display monitors have rotation software associated with them either in an extra bit of software or in settings in the hardware of the monitor (monitors have their own little microprocessor these days..)
have you looked in control panel under display? you should be able to change it from there
Thanks to all 3 of you.... I'm sitting upright again and mouse performing normal..... was a bit nervous for a moment. thought I picked up a virus or something, but I think it was ultimately the restore thing that fixed it i.e. setting the display settings to 2 days ago and whalla!!!
Thanks to all 3 of you.... I'm sitting upright again and mouse performing normal..... was a bit nervous for a moment. thought I picked up a virus or something, but I think it was ultimately the restore thing that fixed it i.e. setting the display settings to 2 days ago and whalla!!!
yay for me!! i cant believe i actually helped someone for once!! wow i'm good :p
Thanks to all 3 of you.... I'm sitting upright again and mouse performing normal..... was a bit nervous for a moment. thought I picked up a virus or something, but I think it was ultimately the restore thing that fixed it i.e. setting the display settings to 2 days ago and whalla!!!

I would have said turn your monitor on its side, worse comes to worse.
In the future, hold Alt Gr and press any of the arrow keys, rotates ya screen :)
yea it rotates the screen on my school's computers but not the PC's that i ahve at home. Seems like it only works on a select group of computers, but it's fun while it lasts :p. Another thing that's completly unrelated to this Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen (PrtScn) reverses the colours on you desktop. to reverse back to your original just press the keys again. Pretty fun if u rotate teh screen and change the colours right before someone else uses the computer :devil:
Again, not on my PC. Ah well, I'm not really missing anything!

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